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Traveling the holidays with a puppy

Posted: Sat 21 Nov 2015, 22:52
by ciento
With Thanksgiving and Christmas, there may be some kids
traveling to Grandmas house, and with extra days/hours
at home away from school.

An inexpensive midi keyboard, and a used laptop can be very good
investments, and travel nicely. The Studio 1337, and other puppy variants, can provide great ways to creatively pass the hours, adults included. You can even stash some inexpensive gear with oft visited relatives and friends, and just bring your boot media. Airlines/trains/busses baggage handlers can't lose/break what they can't get their fumbling little hands on!

you can wander at your friend's

Posted: Fri 27 Nov 2015, 06:54
by Pelo
A Puppy in the pocket, you can wander at your friend's or in your close family and remain trendy. You can even show them what their old computer can again make fast and good.
How to connect outside, wifi points, phone as wireless access point..

buy a dongle and choose the kernel to get it active.

Posted: Thu 07 Sep 2017, 17:54
by Pelo
no wireless, no holidays for Puppy. Buy a dongle and choose the kernel to get it active.

GRPS with Frisbee 1.4.6

Posted: Wed 20 Sep 2017, 08:21
by Pelo
GRPS with Frisbee 1.4.6 Click the blue
"Frisbee with improved Mobile/GPRS function, reorganized."
:cry: "Though, too bad, but it is probably a bit too late since Xenial 7.0.1 doesn't recognize my GPRS modem device anymore (tahr, unicorn and vivid did so)." informs RSH, our german dev.
In Nantes (France) and Marseillan (mediterranean cost) wifi points are a lot intra-muros. Sure if you drive in the country, GPRS could be helpful.
Avoid to compute in the country, take true holidays :!: :!: