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Potthakalaya 1.8- A library-focused iso based on Tahr 6.0.5

Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2016, 07:38
by gurujim
Potthakalaya is a small project aimed at providing librarians with free
OpenSource software tools which make the myriad tasks of librarianship
more efficient. This is version 1.8a, and is built on Puppy Linux CE Tahr 6.0.5 .
It contains Senayan library software , SLIMS 7 [Cendana] and SLIMS 8 [Akasia], running on XAMPP v1.8.3.
It also features: MRBS ( Meeting Room Booking System ) v1.5 + Firefox 43.0.4 with Zotero referencing addon + Myanmar, Thai and Bangladeshi UNICODE fonts + graphical keyboard switcher + some Myanmar modifications for SLIMS 7 + Poedit 1.5.4.
This iso file can be burnt to CD to create a bootable CD Puppy Linux system running in RAM with all software immediately operational.

Iso and Release notes HERE:


Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2016, 12:55
by ally

Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2016, 22:04
by gcmartin
Hello @GuruJim

I downloaded and got a checksum value of

Code: Select all

11866daba4b00a49ae9ffad6e44b3d0b  potthakalaya1.8a.iso.md5.txt
for your distro. Is this correct?

If so, you may want to post it at your download site.

Also, I saw this on one of your webpages.
To Dos:
significantly reduce system size by removing unneeded applications and assorted files - ONGOING
Although I find nothing wrong with your packaging, I wonder if you are concerned about the ISO size or you have a concern about your distro contents. If "contents", it seems you may want to add packages for a Library system. I'm thinking much more multimedia apps are needed, as information review needs in Libraries have changed so much. If seems currently, your system addresses Library Information Management without some multimedia tools that are now used in Libs.

If you are trying to address the ISO size, see the work that is being done using xz. You can contact @RufWoof as he has done much to demo its value in reducing ISO size. ISO size ONLY pertains to downloading while the integrity of the PUP's content remains.

Nice packaging you currently have for addressing Library needs using Puppy LInux.

Hope this is somehow helpful.

Posted: Wed 13 Jan 2016, 07:51
by gurujim
Hi @gcmartin

Thanks for reminding me about checksums - I must confess these days I usually run a reasonable anti-virus and just pull things down and see if they work! But I will take it on board. Using WinMD5Free the iso file that I uploaded gives a checksum of 8578977cf9ef6fb3f27bbbadb7e26884 - so not the same as what you have. Did the iso burn and run OK? The file size on my harddrive is 546105344 bytes.
I guess in future I should also bring the file back down and recreate the CD, to be sure things are good.

Regarding the "to do"s , there is definitely a bit of a conflict between keeping things light and lean - one of the virtues of Puppy ( particularly for older hardware in developing countries ), and supplying a reasonable set of tools . This release is certainly focused on the Library management package, SLiMS. I'm not sure if I can squeeze something like Dspace as well onto a CD iso. I'd be interested in your input for other packages that should be included in a 'heavier' release.

Thanks for your input...