Need step-wise procedure emulating PUI

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Need step-wise procedure emulating PUI

#1 Post by nubc »

It's nice to have Puppy Universal Installer, but it conceals the actual steps that are taken to install Puppy. Would someone please formulate a step-wise install procedure that follows steps executed by the PUI when making an installation. I know that PUI puts two files on the hard drive. Oh, that's a full installation. It's probably different for a frugal installation.

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#2 Post by Semme »

With Pups UI, your request is far too general.

It boils down to *WHAT* you wanna do, the file system formats and devices you have in mind.

Open the /usr/sbin/puppyinstaller script and you may be able to observe a bit of what's happening..
echo "Please be sure that you are wiping the right partition!!!"
echo "Everything in $DESTPART is going to be wiped. If you do not want that,"
echo "press any letter on the keyboard then ENTER key, or"
echo -n "Press ENTER key only to continue script: "
read querygo
echo "Recreating msdos filesystem on $DESTPART..."
mkdosfs /dev/$DESTPART
echo "Fixing the Master Boot Record (MBR)..."
#DESTDRV="`echo -n "$DESTPART" | cut -b 1-3`"
DESTDRV="`echo -n "$DESTPART" | sed -e "s/[0-9]*$//" -e "s/p$//"`" #110126 mmcblk0p1 becomes mmcblk0
dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbrfat.bin of=/dev/$DESTDRV

echo "...done"
echo "Okay, we can now go back to the main part of the Puppy Universal"
echo "Installer and install Puppy to the $DESTPART partition."
echo -n "Press ENTER key to continue: "

Code: Select all

PMEDIA="`Xdialog --wmclass "gtkdialog2" --left --title "Puppy Universal Installer" --no-tags --stdout --menubox "Welcome to the Puppy Universal Installer!\nIf you wish to install Puppy to a removable media, such as a USB Flash\nor hard drive, CD/DVD disc, Zip disk or LS-120 disk, please insert it\nright now, before proceeding.\n\nINSERT MEDIA NOW\nThen, choose the media that you want to install Puppy to:" 0 0 10 usbflash "USB Flash drive" usbhd "USB hard drive" usb2ataflash "USB CF Flash drive, later move CF card to IDE/SATA internal adaptor" iusbflash "Internal USB Flash drive (ex: uDiskOnChip)" ataflash "Internal IDE/SATA Flash drive (exs: CF card, SD memory card)" atazip "Internal ZIP or LS120 drive" atahd "Internal (IDE or SATA) hard drive" scsihd "Ancient true-SCSI hard drive" cd "CD drive"`"
[ ! $? -eq 0 ] && exit
[ "$PMEDIA" = "" ] && exit

Code: Select all

#now to do the actual install...
 usbflash|usbhd|ataflash|atazip) #removable media, install with syslinux/extlinux
As examples.
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#3 Post by gcmartin »

Currently, PUI is undergoing a rewrite to make it simpler and easier to understand. It also is correcting some of the illness that existed in the older PUI that ships with most PUPs.

Try it and report on its success in use. It is found here

It intents to make it all too clear in its objective under your control. And, it intends to do so in your native language(s).

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