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Keyboard all messed up.

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 22:31
by ChiJoan
Hi agaib;

I cant find the right keys: The q a qre reversed and so,e other ahqnges:

Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2005, 01:09
by Flash
If you are using Puppy 1.0.3, boot from the CD with option "No hard drive" (I think option #2,) so Puppy doesn't look for a keyboard configuration file on the hard drive. During the loading sequence of Puppy you will be asked to choose which keyboard layout you want to use. You may have to reboot several times until you find the keyboard that works for you. Then let us know and we'll help you from there.

Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2005, 01:11
by papaschtroumpf
look at the names next to each letter code and compare it to the first row of letters on your keyboard, it sounds like you want an "AZERTY" keybaord and you're set up for "QWERTY" (or vice versa).