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Posted: Thu 14 Apr 2016, 14:51
by ASD

My obsevations are absolutely correct, as I am sure are your expectations.

The reason must surely be that although the MD5sum checked out after downloading T.O.P.L.E.S.S. that my installation of it is nevertheless corrupt.

For instance, if you look at the screen shot below (which I have just reloaded following your linked screen shot and comment) you will see that my long since attempt to change the jwm theme to DeepBlueBold did not activate.

It has now, though I had to activate another jwm theme then re-choose DeepBlueBold for it to work.

Also, as I understand how to do it (here) I have just used dir2sfs again and after rebooting I now have DeepBlueBold.

I answered your questions accurately, but I have not been in the least critical of your excellent project and if I had more free time I might restart from scratch.

Posted: Thu 14 Apr 2016, 20:04
by LazY Puppy
Hi, ASD.

1st of all:

- as you might have noticed, English is NOT my mother language
- the your avatar/user name/info tells NOTHING about the your mother language

This could be a problem in misunderstandings about criticism or not criticism. As I wrote: I did not take anything as a criticism coming from your posts and I'm continuing to NOT to take any information included in your posts as a criticism!

2nd of all:

- if you are writing 'However, such changes to e.g. tahr64_6.0.5-Space.cfg cannot be made using the mainly 1 and 0 options via the three edit windows.' this comes to me like: 'there is no option' or just 'didn't found the related option'
- if you found something not working or that seems not to work, just tell me: 'it is not working' or 'it seems not to work'

This will make me saving lots of times writing long posts, probably repeating myself, searching for links of images etc.pp.

If you just had written 'seems not to work' and added the screenshot right then, you just would have get a very short reply from me e.g.: 'Ok, I'm going to check this out.' So please, try to be as exactly as possible and attach a screenshot right then when you are posting about issues/problems (if a screenshot to make is possible).

Thanks for this so far.

I have checked this in my setup which is build from exactly the same T.O.P.L.E.S.S. archive to download. Did not made any changes since I'd uploaded this archive. It works as expected in my setup, so I currently don't have any idea why there are this differences shown in the your attached screenshot.

The only difference between the your setup and mine is: you are using usb flash drive, I'm using usb hd drive. Probably it is caused by this different setup, since booting from usb flash drives is different then booting from hd drives - especially when it comes to write something to that usb flash drive. Such data is not written completely to a usb flash drive. To reduce the writings to usb flash mostly data is cached and not completely written to a usb flash drive - I'm just thinking about the issue; not saying this is the cause of the issue.

I need to setup a usb flash drive to have equal setup compared to the your setup and then doing some tests on the issue using this usb flash drive. This may take some time over the weekend, so it could be Monday or Tuesday until I return to this and probably have a reason/solution/fix for that issue.

Until then you could just load a config file into a text editor and doing the changes manually and directly in that loaded config file. All parameters/values do have comments, so you should be able to setup what you need manually.

I don't think you need to restart from scratch. Keep it as is, edit the config file/s manually and have a look from time to time, if I already returned to this.


Posted: Thu 14 Apr 2016, 21:15
by LazY Puppy

while having a meal I found a possible reason why DeepBlueBold is not activated.

To have a short term I'm calling this the DeepBlueBold issue - which isn't really an issue or even a problem.

1st let me explain how this comboboxentry widget in the gtkdialog gui is working.

If you click any item from the list, the comboboxentry widget is calling a function. This function echoes the value of the comboboxentry widget into a temp file which is used then to update the entry field (it has auto-refresh="true" and file-monitor="true").

BUT: if you are clicking any item from the list of the comboboxentry widget that is already activated, the content of the comboboxentry widget's value doesn't change. If this value doesn't change, the comboboxentry widget doesn't call the function to echoing the new value since there is no new value chosen then.

So that's not really an issue and -of course- no problem. It's just the default behavior of the comboboxentry widget and other widgets similar to that.

I'm sure, you had once changed the value to DeepBlueBold, saved that config file and loaded another, a different one. When loading a different config file only the entry fields are updated. The comboboxentry widgets do NOT update since they can't have auto-refresh="true" and file-monitor="true" to auto-update/refresh its content/value.

So yes, to choose first a different value compared to DeepBlueBold and then to choose again the DeepBlueBold from the list is the appropriate way to get DeepBlueBold activated.

Now we need just to find out about the issue at the configuration sfs module creation - which works as expected over here.

Please, boot without to load any configuration sfs module and remove all of them (or just copy them to a different partition) to make sure there is none existing and none used at boot up.

Make some settings, changes or installs and create a fresh configuration sfs module.

Prepare the boot directory to be opened in rox filer and be prepared to make a screen shot as soon as the temporary directory to build the configuration sfs module from is visible in the opened rox window from boot directory.

Make a second screenshot when the configuration sfs module is created and post both of them screenshots in this forum/topic. This will help to solve this.

Posted: Mon 18 Apr 2016, 22:56
by LazY Puppy

it's Tuesday now, 00:18 German Time.

Since when I posted my explanation about the DeepBlueBold issue (which is neither an issue nor a problem for real) there is no reply and there are no screenshots so far.

This probably could just mean it is working in all or almost all other parts so far.
ASD wrote:T.O.P.L.E.S.S strikes me as an exceptional combination of your artistry and computing skill and I find it fascinating. You can make it sing and dance and you are most helpful.
Or it just means probably the original tahr masterpiece is getting the goals.
ASD wrote:However, tahr64_6.0.5 is already a fully working masterpiece and, for me, implementing any changes made by 666philb should be simple, but adding those changes to T.O.P.L.E.S.S might need your help.
However: there was another user in the German forum who hadn't reported any problems until yet after successfully installing a T.O.P.L.E.S.S. LazY Puppy 5 onto a usb flash drive on Wednesday last week.

As I do not have detected any further issues or problems until today, I had stopped development of T.O.P.L.E.S.S. when uploading the T.O.P.L.E.S.S.-2016-04-10-04-07.tar.gz archive. So it has stopped also for my private use.

There is still a few more ideas that I have and that I may to include some day, but this won't happen until there is a new stable Puppy Linux System available (I have seen already Xenial Puppy coming up, but won't download and test until a stable release is published).

I would like to prefer to be somehow sure there are some more users who did give this a try and that probably a few may using it, though I'm in doubt about that since one will only be able to get a full picture of those many possibilities and options of T.O.P.L.E.S.S. when mostly following my developments and being familiar in using any of my different LazY Puppy Systems.

So I'm clueless by now...


I think it is going to be July or August 2016 (or even much later) until a stable release of Xenial Puppy will be available and I'm probably going to return to this as a developer/hacker.

Often your SFS loaded on the fly

Posted: Mon 02 May 2016, 00:38
by Pelo
This week i will install Topless in my brand new pendrive bought saturday. I Had Lazy Puppy Lucid 528 available.
I am tired of all these install problems in so many Puppies. Often your SFS loaded on the fly are a nice solution. I go one step forward, I load the Topless ISO :!:

A selection of LazYPuppy puppy linux builds by RSH
it utilizes SFS files so no need to install apps, just load and run
some Englidh and some German language
Precise version downladed this morning.

Posted: Tue 03 May 2016, 01:01
by LazY Puppy

I have discovered a problem in T.O.P.L.E.S.S.

This can appear after shutdown or reboot by LogOut/Shutdown GUI.

It will only appear when option to start by a different menu entry from menu.lst was used at shutdown/reboot which can be chosen in LogOut/Shutdown GUI.

Don't use this option, please!!!

I had two events in a row where I couldn't boot anymore from that stick/hd. Had to reboot from different drive and to restore menu.lst by a backup file - luckily had one.

This will be fixed when T.O.P.L.E.S.S. 1.0.3 will be available.
Pelo wrote:This week i will install Topless in my brand new pendrive bought saturday.

Just return to here when ever you'll need some help.

T.O.P.L.E.S.S. 1.0.2

Posted: Sun 05 Jun 2016, 02:43
by LazY Puppy

Meanwhile I have solved the problem mentioned in my above post.

For now I'm using T.O.P.L.E.S.S. daily and mostly tahr 6.0.2 and tahr 64 6.0.5 are used as the base Puppies. From time to time I found some stuff that I thought of being worth to be included into the next version of T.O.P.L.E.S.S..

For example I prefer to have geany running at first start without the developers woof ce files in geany's recently used list. Also I want to have a bigger size of its used font and a geometry of around 80% of the screen size immediately. Also I prefer to have a max. of 30 files for the recently used list - instead of 10.

So I had examined geany's config file, searched for the related entries/parameters and created new parameters for the T.O.P.L.E.S.S. main config file (e.g.: tahr_6.0.2-Space.cfg).

In T.O.P.L.E.S.S. 1.0.2 one can set up four (4) options to setup geany.
# KEEP THE QUOTES, USE SEMICOLON to separate Geometry Data
# KEEP THE QUOTES, USE SPACES to separate Font Data
# Use -1 to keep recent Files from List
# Max count of recently used files
A new thing included into T.O.P.L.E.S.S. 1.0.2 is a light modified version of stickyjwm by recobayu.

T.O.P.L.E.S.S. 1.0.2 has option to enable/disable the stickyjwm.
# JWM option to place windows at screen postitions by keyboard shortcuts
# Choose 1 to enable this option, 0 to disable this option
Also I found it would be nice to have options to choose which applications to start at after X appeared on the screen (old: /root/Startup, new: /root/.config/autostart) - even when running ram only (pupmode 5).

So T.O.P.L.E.S.S. 1.0.2 has options to enable/disable auto start of the usual Puppy auto start applications as well as to enable/disable some of the T.O.P.L.E.S.S. auto start applications.
# Switch auto-start of some default Puppy auto-start Applications
# Choose 1 to enable auto-start, 0 to disable auto-start

# Switch auto-start of some default T.O.P.L.E.S.S. auto-start Applications
# Choose 1 to enable auto-start, 0 to disable auto-start
Note: all of these options will have effect only if the new /root/.config/autostart (its .desktop files) is used to auto start applications. It won't have any effect on applications still started from /root/Startup.

Another new option is possibility to choose the VarioMenu Group to be used at startup. So I also made a option for this.
# Switch to a pre-selected VarioMenu Group /Desktop
# Use Names of Groups or Numbers from 1 to 10
Then I thought about a more improved and more easy way to turn a new setup into a config file. I found creation of a new configuration -even thought there's a gui to do so- a bit uncomfortable. Especially when it comes to the use of sfs files loaded at boot up (as one needs to search for the right names etc.pp. which is a heavy task when there are 748 sfs files)

So I wrote a program (the CfS Builder) to create such new configurations by automated task. It examines the current settings (themes for jwm, gtk, icons; wallpapers; mounted drives; sfs files loaded; eventmanager settings; global font size; etc.pp.) and puts it into a config file template. A new menu entry for the grub4dos menu.lst is created then.

The user just needs to copy/paste the menu entry into the menu.lst and to move the new created config file into its appropriated directory. Reboot and done.

Though, still some work to do there...

TOPLESS installed.

Posted: Fri 15 Jul 2016, 17:44
by Pelo
TOPLESS installed. Topic in forum francophone (OUI will translate to german)

Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2017, 02:32
by slavvo67

I can't believe that I've overlooked this for so long. IMHO, all puppies should be on USB with persistent storage and I'm guessing you have this working pretty good.

I'll have to take the time to play. Not sure if our community is noticing that CD's and DVD's are starting to disappear from store shelves, so there we will eventually all need to be running Puppy differently.

Is this the latest TOPLESS thread or is there something newer?



Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2017, 04:39
by LazY Puppy
slavvo67 wrote:Hi RSH,

I can't believe that I've overlooked this for so long. IMHO, all puppies should be on USB with persistent storage and I'm guessing you have this working pretty good.

I'll have to take the time to play. Not sure if our community is noticing that CD's and DVD's are starting to disappear from store shelves, so there we will eventually all need to be running Puppy differently.

Is this the latest TOPLESS thread or is there something newer?


This is the latest version I'd uploaded.

Though, there's a prepared LazY Puppy 5 based on tahr 6.0.2 which was created with T.O.P.L.E.S.S. 1.0.2.

I would like to recommend to play a little with that LazY Puppy 5 first - after installing it to USB flash drive.

These are the most important posts:

LazY Puppy 5 opening post
Heureka, it works
Directory Modules

Seamonkey loaded on the fly.

Posted: Thu 01 Jun 2017, 07:30
by Pelo
Seamonkey loaded on the fly. Palemoon send me error messages when entering my password for FAI code.

Posted: Tue 06 Jun 2017, 20:14
by Smithy
Pelo wrote about FAI in topless.

qu'est-ce que c'est ? French Army Intelligence?
Or you could just tell me Ne sois pas si curieux!

seamonkey does not ask anything.

Posted: Wed 07 Jun 2017, 17:54
by Pelo
seamonkey does not ask anything. I will not spend time understanding how all that works. No enough days remaining in my life to loose them

FAI Fournisseur d'Accès Internet that means

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2017, 08:08
by Pelo
FAI Fournisseur d'Accès Internet that means Society which provides Wireless for surfing the web in exchange of some of your euros. Provides Internet Access for people who are chained with ethernet, but for your cars too.

As nobody use databases ready for use as Gramps, i feed back here some tries done with Gramps, for which our german dev RSH created an SFS for genealogists.
RSH is the Puppy Builder of Topless 1.0.1 but he has done a Tahrpup version 6.0.2
Gramps can be downloaded from the PPM. Vietnamese version ( is available.
If our Puppy friends had Hacao in the past, they should try Topless, at least for ancestries follow-up. Ancestries in Vietnam have much more importance than in France

Posted: Wed 16 May 2018, 00:28

Due to the changes made in WoofCE, most functions of T.O.P.L.E.S.S. won't work in newer Puppies from Xenial and up. So, the T.O.P.L.E.S.S. project itself is discontinued.

I'd already started to re-write functions and options of T.O.P.L.E.S.S. and created a new project for this: N.E.M.E.S.I.S.

Posted: Mon 28 May 2018, 18:57
by oui
ITSMERSH wrote:Hi.

Due to the changes made in WoofCE, most functions of T.O.P.L.E.S.S. won't work in newer Puppies from Xenial and up. So, the T.O.P.L.E.S.S. project itself is discontinued.

I'd already started to re-write functions and options of T.O.P.L.E.S.S. and created a new project for this: N.E.M.E.S.I.S.
why not only topless, or, more better, top, or nemesis, or really better, nem? we write a lot of characters all the day, and it is enough! your long names without clear signification are absolutely not helpful to adopt you new creations...

Posted: Mon 28 May 2018, 19:00
by s243a
oui wrote:Hi
ITSMERSH wrote:Hi.

Due to the changes made in WoofCE, most functions of T.O.P.L.E.S.S. won't work in newer Puppies from Xenial and up. So, the T.O.P.L.E.S.S. project itself is discontinued.

I'd already started to re-write functions and options of T.O.P.L.E.S.S. and created a new project for this: N.E.M.E.S.I.S.
why not only topless, or, more better, top, or nemesis, or really better, nem? we write a lot of characters all the day, and it is enough! your long names without clear signification are absolutely not helpful to adopt you new creations...
You shoud change your pseudonym from "oui" to "no".

Posted: Mon 28 May 2018, 21:06
You shoud change your pseudonym from "oui" to "no".
Ho ho ho ! :lol:

I really don't care if people do write N.E.M.E.S.I.S. or NEMESIS or nemesis, or T.O.P.L.E.S.S. or TOPLESS or topless, or L.A.S.S.I.E. or LASSIE or lassie, or LazY Puppy or Lazy Puppy or lazy puppy...

I live in a country with an increasement of thousands of illegal invaders, there's other problems I'm concerned at...

...but that's another story, not meant to be in the forums...

Posted: Tue 29 May 2018, 21:37
by oui
s243a wrote:You shoud change your pseudonym from "oui" to "no".
i (really did try it but ...
... most forum machines refuse no or non :lol: !

oui is (about) always allowed and free exactly for that reason: most people are absolutely not ready to say "yes" :idea: . so I have on the most forums through the all web the most time that pseudo... the recognization effect is also great (the most problem with that pseudo is to be to short and divers forums prescribe more than only 3 chars!).

but, for me, it is indifferent (I also say never yes!): " oui " is only an indicator in which language you can write with / to me and be certain, that I can understand (else if I often have extreme difficulties to understand the French form of Google translations...) you! it is only a brand mark, not the promise to say "yes" :roll: ...