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How do I add a (Textmaker) icon to the desktop? (Solved)

Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2005, 13:34
by amherst

Recently I installed Textmaker to my hard-drive installation of Puppy 1.0.2.
When I go into the Rox file manager and drag the icon to the desktop, I get a square with an eye on it and when I click on it then Mpaint opens up. How do I get it to open Textmaker when I click on it?
Also I edited the Fluxbox menu to include Textmaker with no problem, but I would like the desktop icon also. Any help would be great.Thanks.

Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2005, 22:04
by Ian
Did you drag the executable file to the desktop.

If you right click on the desktop icon you can set the run action for the application.

I'm not sure if Textmaker has to be started from within its own directory.

Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2005, 22:14
by Rich
Well spotted Ian.

Dragging the icon to the Desktop doesn't do anything.
You have to drag the program itself, then right click the displayed prog and select 'set icon' from the menu.
Drag the icon wanted from a Rox Filer window to the frame with the blue folder in it, and it's done.

I use textmaker at work quite a bit........couldn't live without Block Select mode :D

Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2005, 23:27
by Bruce B
Here is a good set of Text Maker icons for you (or anyone).

How do I add a (Textmaker) icon to the desktop ?

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2005, 14:51
by amherst
Thanks guys. This worked great; I guess sometimes I'm still stuck in the Gates way of doing things. Sorry about the late reply but work got in the way. :D