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'To Do' Category in Forum?

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2005, 06:40
by Lobster
The Judge is BACK!

Tremble you mortals [ahem . . .] 8)

I was speaking to John Murga (aka Judge Dredd) and Barry on IRC this morning/afternoon/evening (hey - I am in Olympic City London, John is in NY and Barry is in Oz) Tried to get GuestToo (aka G2) and Bladehunter there too - maybe next time.
Anacari was already there hanging out . . .

Anyways . . .
apart from discussions of gorgeous nurses, time travel and the usual Linux subjects, we felt it might be an idea to create a To Do or projects page?

What do you think?

Here is one idea:

- or we could use a sticky thread in announcements? Flash has shown how well this can work with his indexing on the beginners section . . .

What say you?
The project I am really thinking of is the GCC C compiler - who is working on this? - does it interfere with Puppy Sourceror?
We are getting to the stage where collaboration rather than duplication would be useful . . .

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2005, 07:21
by Guest

That's a big one, sounds easy but it really isn't......well for a mere mortal like me........

The thing is once you start wanting to add gcc you are really opting only for a hdd install....I suppose we could adpat slackware's gcc packages and adapt the to suit puppy...but slackware is usually only compiled for a i486....not that that would be a huge problem I guess....

But installing gcc is not really for the fiant of heart...alot of libraries are needed and installing gcc into anywhere but the defaults is a nightmare...well not so much gcc but binutils

C is here

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2005, 12:56
by Lobster
If you look under this section 'cutting edge'

Howto feed Puppy "C" to become a 'fat Puppy' :)

You will see Peter Sieg has already done this.

The process can be simplified, dotpuped, unleashed or whatever . . .
but we have to be aware of the situation of such projects and how/where to look . . .

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2005, 18:54
by Guest
The ultimate would have all the tools in a squashfs system mounted at /opt, so which ever method you use to run puppy the gcc toolchain would be available, I know the size would be rather large but then again it wouldn't need to be mounted all of the time and would suit those running from cd only.
think I really need to read Linux From Scratch a few more times to get the jist, but the beauty would be that it could be used from any distro to compile for puppy.....With the right paths setup..

The only problem I can see with a compiling enviroment is that we maybe swamped with "I can't compile package xyz".....

Or the squashfs system could be a chroot enviroment so if the compilation does do "wierd things", remember we are running as root, it wouldn't affect the main system......A simple script could be used to enter that enviroment....tho make install could pose a bit of a problem to those that arent 100% cluey on such matters


Posted: Mon 11 Jul 2005, 23:57
by Ian
I agree with bladehunter that it might be confusing for people who are new to compiling programs from source but if they wish to try a minimal set of instructions and explanations should help them to get started.

For people who are used to compiling from source having the tools in Puppy would be a great help as it would save a lot of time when trying out new programs or ones they have written themselves.

The same applies to programmers and on the subject of programming I would imagine a HD install of Puppy with all the required tools including Emacs would be the ideal setup for development.

Compiling C

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 05:33
by Lobster
On our wiki news page

You will see Menno has created this:
Menno provides GNU GCC compiler utills such as make. Unzip within 'my-applications'. It gives a bin / lib / include directory . The compiler has GCC and G77 (fortran) within it . ftp://jbn:jbnnoord@
Being a semi-fishbrain :oops: (you are what you eat) I am sure with a little help and prompting, I could compile programs . . .
(I did with simple examples and a lot of help in tinycc)
a new tinycc was released on June 17

So Ian, Bladehunter, Menno . . . can Mennos efforts be used in Pup development? How is this done?

There are some sample C programs in the comments section of the tinycc page . . .

We now seem to have an abundance of potential and (working?) C compiler environments

from Bladehunter, Puppy Sourceror (part of 1.04), Peter Seig, Menno and maybe John Murgha is working on one in a puplet?


Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 06:54
by Guest
I'm leaning more towards and complete plugin enviroment that doesn't require installation apart from the path being updated. The idea is for the development tools in no way affect a standard installation.The only evidence that it is there is the opttools.sfs on the harddrive. I'm hoping by doing it this way that it may be portable to other distros to build apps for puppy.
GCC by itself is not enough to produce an executable, a linker is also required, and this is where things can get tricky if you want to start relocating things.The linker has it's library search path and path to the dynamic linker hardwired in, to really change this, to make it simple for novices to start, ld (the linker) has to be recompiled. A development enviroment hoping to compile almost all typical linux programs is noy going to be a simple task, niether will it be small.
Providing just make and gcc isn't enough. The addition of binutils will allow the building of simple programs but nothing too complicated.


Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 08:22
by Lobster
some of the ideas are mentioned here on the News for July 12 2005

and to remind people that by clicking on pm here we can send a private message to Bladehunter, Barry and other developers . .