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Wireless connection but no Ethernet connection

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2016, 12:40
by disallowed
Hi. When I choose wireless at SNS, no problem, I connect to internet. But when I choose ethernet, there's not connection. Any help?

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2016, 18:47
by 8Geee
Lotsa things go wrong when BOTH are connected at the same time. Turn off the Wifi when using eth0. Network Wizard included in most puppies is a better solution.

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2016, 19:11
by don570
With Windows you can have both going at once, because the drivers
are better written.

Most linux wireless drivers don't support ethernet and wireless being used
at the same time.

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2016, 19:54
by jafadmin
Don, it's not a driver issue, it has to do with routing.
I have puppies set up as routers in a LAN to Wifi schema that do this all the time.
If you use multiple NIC's (whether ethernet or wifi), you have to have entries in your routing table that say where traffic needs to go. There can be only one default route.

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2016, 20:18
by don570
I don't know much about networking :oops:

...but there is something about the Raspberry pi board that doesn't allow
both to be used at once. This is mentioned on some youtube videos
showing the raspberry pi being networked.


Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2016, 20:41
by don570
Near the end of this video the problem is mentioned. I had it too.


Posted: Mon 27 Jun 2016, 03:09
by tempestuous
don570 wrote:there is something about the Raspberry pi board that doesn't allow both to be used at once.
You're probably referring to RPi models prior to ver 3, in which case this is neither a driver issue, nor a networking issue - it's a hardware issue.
The RPi has a combined USB/ethernet interface (LAN9512 chip) and when you have a wifi adapter plugged into the USB, which is a likely scenario for all models except the latest RPi 3b, then you may end up with a lot of data competing for bandwidth on the same (combined) interface. Apparently this can upset the driver (smsc95xx) and may even crash the kernel.
Taken in perspective, this is a problem related to a particular, and uncommon, range of hardware and associated kernel modules.
don570 wrote:Most linux wireless drivers don't support ethernet and wireless being used at the same time.
That's untrue. You do the Linux community, and yourself, a disservice by jumping to such extreme assumptions.

Back to the original question ...
disallowed wrote:When I choose wireless at SNS, no problem, I connect to internet. But when I choose ethernet, there's not connection.
At the risk of raising Barry's ire, I consider the SNS to be very poor, and it's unfortunate it was ever included in Puppy.
I think your problem may be simply solved by using one of the other network wizards - frisbee seems to be trendy, but the FULL network wizard should work fine.

Posted: Mon 27 Jun 2016, 08:20
by Flash
I have 2 stupid questions: 1.) How do we know disallowed is using a Raspberry Pi? And 2.) Do we know that disallowed has an Ethernet cable plugged into the socket?

No network adaptor recognized by XSlacko-Slim-4.4r24

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 09:04
by kuman11

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 15:04
by bigpup
If you have a problem you want to talk about.
Please start your own topic.

It just makes it hard, for everyone, trying to talk about 2 completely different computers on one topic.
Your problem is not the same as this topic is talking about.