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Debian Jessie Openbox LXDE frugal

Posted: Tue 19 Jul 2016, 20:52
by rufwoof

Debian Jessie Openbox LXDE frugal 1.4GB sfs that you download and unsquashfs (see below)

It is not Puppy Linux. It has nothing to do with Puppy. Its a frugal method to boot i386 version of Debian Jessie LXDE/Openbox.

Be prepared to learn a different package manager and different system setup in a Debian manner. You have access to all Debian stable repositories using apt-get or synaptic.

Thanks to Fred you can install and boot Debian Jessie frugally and have changes only preserved whenever you specifically request such by opening a terminal and entering the command 'save2flash'.

If you are familiar with DebianDog or MintPup you will not have troubles using this Debian frugal.

root password 'me'
user password 'live'

Set to auto login and runs as root.

Create a folder under the root on a ext2/3/4 partition, perhaps called DEB, download the sfs to that DEB folder (its a large download at around 1.4GB) and run unsquashfs -d live DebianJessieOpenboxLXDE.sfs (that sfs can be deleted afterwards). Add a grub4dos menu.lst entry something like

title LXDE DebianLive686 porteus-boot
root (hd0,3)
kernel /DEB/live/vmlinuz2 from=/DEB noauto changes=EXIT:/DEB/live
initrd /DEB/live/initrd2.xz

and boot. Note that in the above example the DEB folder is on my first disk (disk zero) forth partition (# 3 when counting from zero) i.e. my sda4 partition. Change that root (hd0,3) to whatever matches your disk/partition numbers (and also the DEB folder name if you opted to use another name).

Will use zram if possible. Firefox ESR browser. Abiword, Gnumeric, Skpe, MasterPDFEditor3, gimp ... all the more usual type programs already installed, and access to the massive and stable Debian stable repositories to add (or remove) programs.

Suggest that you only ever use synaptic or apt-get to add/remove programs as adding in programs from elsewhere can corrupt the package database. Debian versions of programs tend to lag the more recent versions as they stick with what works. Security updates come though quickly as well. I typically once each week reboot and run

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

and answer y to any upgrades that are listed. If any updates have occurred then I run save2flash to preserve those changes. apt-get update just updates the database. In all other cases I don't bother save changes, I store docs etc outside on a separate partition, so that I boot the exact same instance each and every time. Excepting if I want to make changes to the desktop/system, in which case I reboot, make the changes and then run save2flash to preserve those changes (all changes are preserved in /DEB/live/changes folder assuming you used the same names as above).

Basically you'll be running a Debian live CD that has been installed to HDD, with the addition of Fred's wrapper code that adds optional persistence (saving). Part puppy like, mostly Debian. The original Debian CD version (sourced from here) has been extended to include a wider range of repositories and had all updates applied to the time of creation/uploading and other relatively minor changes. I added in zram as the large number of updates from the original CD version otherwise had my low spec PC running out of memory (I'm using a Celeron single core with 2GB of ram).

Frugal boot, saves only whenever you dictate manually (running save2flash command in a terminal), with a stable system (Debian Jessie) that has updates and security fixes quickly passed on, with access to a massive repository of stable programs.

Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 04:00
by dancytron
I installed this just to check it out.

Install went fine.

Made link to save2flash on desktop and it seemed to work fine (I was able to turn off "do you want to execute this" annoying dialog box fairly quickly).

The desktop was very smooth and fast (2 core intel chip with 3 gig of ram).

Couldn't figure out how to get on internet on my regular wired ethernet with dhcp on router (but to be honest I didn't try very hard).

Kind of busy for my taste, but if you'd like me to test something in particular before I uninstall it, let me know.


edit: got ethernet working by choosing eth1 instead of eth0 and maybe also by enabling wired internet profile to always show. Posting from it now.

I think I'll keep it to play with for a while.


Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 04:42
by mandibule2005
Hello rufwoof Nice work !

I was able to put it , on usb stick with that menu.lst

# Frugal installed Puppy

title Debian Lxde (sdc1)
uuid 88c203d3-54e1-4737-b263-adc1fb74e8c7
find --set-root /DEB/live/vmlinuz2
kernel /DEB/live/vmlinuz2 from=/DEB noauto changes=EXIT:/DEB/live
initrd /DEB/live/initrd2.xz

You can get uuid with the command : blkid /dev/sdc1 or your key name

And i use eth1 for wired-connection in wicd.

Did not try wlan1 , save2flash working great.


Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 12:49
by rufwoof
A nice aspect of save on demand (only when you run save2flash) is that the /DEB/live/changes (save) folder content remains static and as filesystem.squashfs (the main sfs) is also static (read only), you can merge the two into a new larger filesystem.squashfs .. enabling the changes folder content to be removed. A form of remaster, so that over time as the changes folder content size grows you can move those changes into the main filesystem.

You need sfs tools (for access to the mksquashfs command) to be installed i.e. either search for and install squashfs-tools via synaptic (GUI front end to the repositories) or run apt-get install squashfs-tools from the command line (don't forget to run save2flash afterwards to preserve the change).

Then in the /DEB/live folder (assuming installed to /DEB directory of course) something like :

mkdir -p tmp1 tmpa
mount -o loop filesystem.squashfs tmp1/
mount -t aufs -o br:changes:tmp1 none tmpa/
mksquashfs tmpa/ fs.squashfs -noX -noI -noD -noF
umount -f tmpa tmp1
rmdir tmpa tmp1

which ... mounts the filesystem.squashfs under tmp1/
mount merges that with the changes folder content under tmpa/
creates a squashfs of that merged content into a new squashfs called fs.squashfs.

The -noX -noI -noD -noF (that's a capital i by the way, not a L or 1) mksquashfs parameters just stores the content without any compression (larger squashfs filesize, but as that's on disk that's usually not a problem, if you want to use compression then just omit those parameters (makes that command slower to run though))

remove the content of changes folder after that and switch in fs.squashfs for filesystem.squashfs ... and you've 'remastered'.

Best to only have the single .squashfs in /DEB/live otherwise other .squashfs files would also be picked up during reboots (I tend to just add a .X suffix to any that I don't want to be loaded at bootup).

backi wrote
my gut feeling says ...
better to puppify a minimal (for example ) Debian or Ubuntu or whatever...than the other way round debianate or ubuntufy a Puppy .....
... I tend to agree. I've run all of DebianLiveCD's frugally so far, trying out KDE, Gnome ....etc in the process, even had a Devuan frugally booted. Fred's wrapper code is great IMO. Far easier to take a livecd iso and cut that down or change it as desired and then wrap Fred's code around that. That said I think Libre office may still be in the upload. I did uninstall it via synaptic and added in abiword and gnumeric, however I think I might not have fully uninstalled libre such that its still in there (I had it pop up on the menus again after several 'remasters'). Put that down to my lack of understanding of Debian. Suspect I should have run something like apt-get autoremove command afterwards (???). What I've done is simply reinstall Libre again via synaptic, so if libre files were there but not recorded in the local package database, by reinstalling it that should fix the problem (realign the two).

Nice image server by the way mandibule2005. I'll have to start using that myself :) Your image shows the home directory within which I dropped a keyboard-layout script directly from DebianDog which I used to change the keyboard to my own locale (UK)

Thanks for the feeback guys.

PS whilst save on demand (save2flash) is good for devices that don't work well with continual writes (USB or whatever) as outlined in this post you can set it to overlay mode using a menu.lst entry something like

title DebianLive686 porteus-boot
root (hd0,0)
kernel /DEB/live/vmlinuz2 from=/DEB noauto changes=/DEB/live
initrd /DEB/live/initrd2.xz

i.e. all changes are preserved (stored) as and when they occur. To my mind that's no different to a full install however. I like the option to be able to reboot, try things out, don't like them ... reboot and its all back to how it was before. Especially when there's such a extensive programs repository of things to try :) If/when I find one program I like I tend to reboot, install it, run save2flash ... and it remains in the main boot session thereafter.

Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 13:41
by rufwoof
Installed youtube downloader extension in firefox, downloaded a video as a mp4, gnome mplayer didn't play it (plays in brower ok).

... so installed vlc using synaptic ... and that didn't play also - because running as root which vlc doesn't like.

Open a terminal and run :

sed -i 's/geteuid/getppid/' /usr/bin/vlc

and vlc works (I had to change the audio, audio device option from one choice to the other for sound to be heard ok).

Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 16:13
by fredx181
Hi rufwoof,

Nice! Booting very fast, running very fast, LXDE is good choice IMHO.
dancytron wrote:Couldn't figure out how to get on internet on my regular wired ethernet with dhcp on router (but to be honest I didn't try very hard).

edit: got ethernet working by choosing eth1 instead of eth0 and maybe also by enabling wired internet profile to always show. Posting from it now.
That's probably because you didn't remove the file: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules from the remastered .squashfs.
That file needs to be auto generated, then it will auto-connect to a wired connection.
If it exists already it is set to the interface from your hardware, is it eth1 ?

Another tip:
If there is a kernel version update (linux-image-***), better don't install it because then it might not be synced anymore with the kernel modules included in in initrd2.xz
That's why in DebianDog the kernel version is "pinned" (in /etc/apt/preferences)
That goes also for when using live-boot, when updating kernel it needs updating initrd.img also.

Edit: Also the remaster can be made a lot smaller, e.g. by deleting all fies from /boot (except the .config file for PAE version), they are for full install so they do nothing since it's a live version.
And uninstalling the non-pae kernel (from synaptic) (not needed, as this is just pae-only version) will decrease the file size a lot)


Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 20:55
by rufwoof
fredx181 wrote:remove the file: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules That file needs to be auto generated, then it will auto-connect to a wired connection.

If there is a kernel version update (linux-image-***), better don't install it because then it might not be synced anymore with the kernel modules included in in initrd2.xz
That's why in DebianDog the kernel version is "pinned" (in /etc/apt/preferences)
That goes also for when using live-boot, when updating kernel it needs updating initrd.img also.
Thanks for the feedback Fred. Appreciated.

So if no network with the current uploaded version, remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules then save2flash and reboot ???

Creating a /etc/apt/preferences text file containing

Code: Select all

Package: linux-image-3.16.0-4-686-pae
Pin: version 3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: linux-headers-3.16.0-4-686-pae
Pin: version 3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3
Pin-Priority: 1001
should prevent kernel/headers being updated???

Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 21:44
by rufwoof
Porteus boot style requires initrd access (and editing for each particular system). Another option that may be possible ??? and that could support systemd boots might be to use a ramdisk alongside a partition based persistence - where a sub directory is specified as the persistence storage area in the persistence partition and that content it linked/copied to ramdisk space. So you can either save (flush ramdisk to HDD) or not.

In effect boot using the HDD persistence/changes, but after/during boot repoint that away from HDD to ramdisk based copies of those changes. So at the end of session (or whenever i.e. running save2flash) you can flush those ram based changes to HDD, or not.

Searching around and this is somewhat close

What slows things down a lot is overlay type preserving changes to/from disk i.e. as and when changes are made. If instead that's all performed in ram then the only delays is when you opt to save changes ... when the ram image needs to be flushed to disk, and the initial startup when the disk based changes records need to be loaded into the ramdisk.

i.e. rather than a external wrapper around the distributions live filesystem, adapt that live system internally to perform porteus type functionality that requires relatively few/small changes and additional script(s).

The persistence content would have to be kept relatively small (available ram), i.e. period 'remastering' to move all changes into the main filesystem, but with fast compression on multi-core systems (such as LZ4) such remastering can be acceptably quick enough.

Posted: Thu 21 Jul 2016, 18:14
by fredx181
rufwoof wrote:So if no network with the current uploaded version, remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules then save2flash and reboot ???
Yes, exactly, I can confirm after testing that it works for wired auto-connect .
Creating a /etc/apt/preferences text file containing
Package: linux-image-3.16.0-4-686-pae
Pin: version 3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: linux-headers-3.16.0-4-686-pae
Pin: version 3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3
Pin-Priority: 1001

should prevent kernel/headers being updated???
In a way, yes, e.g. "apt-get upgrade" won't install a newer version than the 'pinned' one.
And if a 'pinned' package is a dependency of another package apt won't install a higher version than the 'pinned' package version (which can lead sometimes to problems, but very rarely in case of linux-image or linux-headers)
But there are always ways to enforce the latest version, even if it's pinned.

Note that I didn't make my comment about linux-image upgrade to advise you or anyone to add it as pinned in /etc/apt/preferences.
Just advising better not to upgrade the kernel in a live system when at the same time using the older (not upgraded) initrd.


Posted: Thu 21 Jul 2016, 19:24
by rufwoof
Thanks Fred.

I've been running with systemd boot today, two boot choices that I've called USER and SYS-ADMIN. SYS-ADMIN boots read/write (where the persistence is stored in a partition with a label of 'persistence' and a single file called persistence.conf in that partition that contains just "/ union" (and a newline afterwards)) and all changes are stored as soon as they occur.

USER is read only, so all changes are lost when you reboot

i.e. use the SYS-ADMIN boot to tweak things as you like, then reboot again back into USER mode - which boots the exact same each and every time excepting of course if changed using the SYS-ADMIN login.

Read only (USER) runs relatively well, not as quick to boot as Porteus style, but not much slower, and once up and running its still quick. And avoids the need to have initrd (Porteus) boot matched to the main Debian. (pure Debian throughout), which I guess also makes it accepting to kernel updates/changes without concerns about a mismatched initrd pairing.

I have menu.lst default to USER mode after 10 seconds timeout and similar entries for both except for the persistence-read-only additional parameter for the USER choice.

timeout 10
default 1

title Debian Jessie LXDE SYS-ADMIN (read/write)
root (hd0,6)
kernel /DEB-LXDE/live/vmlinuz2 boot=live config persistence quickreboot noprompt showmounts live-media-path=/DEB-LXDE/live/ config
initrd /DEB-LXDE/live/initrd2.img

title Debian Jessie LXDE USER (read only)
root (hd0,6)
kernel /DEB-LXDE/live/vmlinuz2 boot=live config persistence persistence-read-only quickreboot noprompt showmounts live-media-path=/DEB-LXDE/live/ config
initrd /DEB-LXDE/live/initrd2.img

Read only (USER) is nice to try things out (programs installed via synaptic ...etc) knowing you can 'undo' all of those changes with a simple reboot. That does mean however having to store docs etc outside (I use a separate partition for all my docs/files and back that up separately).

When you want to make/preserve changes then reboot into SYS-ADMIN mode, perhaps apply updates

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

and any other changes (install a program via synaptic perhaps) ... and reboot back into USER mode again. A bit like remastering in some respects.

I recreated some new partitions using gparted to run that. One thing that threw me was that in changing the swap partition it took much longer to reboot as the /etc/fstab was pointing to the wrong disk identification (UUID). Hung for 1 minute 30 seconds on each reboot doing 'work'. After I corrected /etc/fstab for the correct blkid (i.e. UUID from blkid /dev/sda6 in my case) it booted much better/quicker.

Another change I've made is to drop "adblock plus" in favour of "uBlock Origin" within Firefox. uBlock is more efficient/quicker extension.

I now have a better appreciation of the systemD versus initrd arguments (Debian vs Devuan split). On the one hand systemD encapsulates the bootup process, so that can be better managed/version controlled - made more reliable in general; Whereas initrd gives you the flexibility to make changes for yourself - fix or tweak things in the bootup process. I continue to remain impartial to both, never really having understood the differences before anyway.

Posted: Thu 21 Jul 2016, 20:57
by rufwoof
rufwoof wrote:Thanks Fred.

I've been running with systemd boot today, two boot choices that I've called USER and SYS-ADMIN. SYS-ADMIN boots read/write (where the persistence is stored in a partition with a label of 'persistence' and a single file called persistence.conf in that partition that contains just "/ union" (and a newline afterwards)) and all changes are stored as soon as they occur.

USER is read only, so all changes are lost when you reboot

i.e. use the SYS-ADMIN boot to tweak things as you like, then reboot again back into USER mode - which boots the exact same each and every time excepting of course if changed using the SYS-ADMIN login.....
After 'remastering' (combining all changes into the main filesystem.squashfs), I thought I'd see what it would be like to have all of that sfs extracted to the persistence partition i.e. total overlay of the original filesystem.squashfs. And it works well. ok boot time, fast running. Which makes the main filesystem.squash somewhat redundant other than for booting. Conceptually that could be slimmed right down to the bare necessities to get to the stage of the persistence partition having been loaded.

Similar to a full install in some respects, but frugally booted with the option to either boot read only (no changes stored), or in read/write modes.

Posted: Thu 21 Jul 2016, 21:13
by fredx181
Hi rufwoof,

As a coincidence I've been looking also at a way to use 'save on demand' with live-boot instead porteus-boot and found something nice.
It's discovery from Toni, see here: ... bdfe8ead97
That code works well on DebianDog with a little modification, but that's because DD has by default some specific links to mountpoints, e.g. /live/cow, live/image.
But on DebianLive I couldn't make it work in the last days... until now :)
The trick I found is: umount /lib/live/mount/overlay ... it's included command in attached script snapmergepuppy
Don't ask me why, but it just works, probably has to do with the fact that /lib/live/mount/overlay is mounted twice or mount bind ?? by default.
(/lib/live/mount/overlay is similar to "/mnt/live/memory/changes" from Porteus style boot)

The boot code should be without persistence, e.g.:
title DebianLive686 NOPERSISTENCE (run snapmergepuppy, save to live/zchanges.dir)
root (hd0,3)
kernel /DEB/live/vmlinuz2 boot=live live-media-path=/DEB/live/
initrd /DEB/live/initrd2.img

To save on demand, really simple, just run /path/to/snapmergepuppy, and it will save to folder (hd0,3)/DEB/live/zchanges.dir
It works in fact exactly the same as porteus-boot save-ondemand.
Changes are merged from /lib/live/mount/overlay onto /lib/live/mount/medium/DEB/live/zchanges.dir

If you want you can rename snapmergepuppy to save2flash.
Copy it to somewhere in PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin , to be able to just run: snapmergepuppy (or save2flash if you renamed)

Other tips:

To remount the 'home' drive as read-write (it's read-only by default, very annoying):

Code: Select all

sudo mount -o remount,rw /lib/live/mount/medium
Auto login as root;
Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Code: Select all

sudo leafpad /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Look for the line: autologin-user and change to autologin-user=root

Attached snapmergepuppy.tar.gz
For example;
Extract in $HOME, then copy to $PATH:

Code: Select all

sudo cp -a ~/snapmergepuppy /usr/local/bin/
And run:

Code: Select all

(sudo command is included in the script, when running as user, an xterm window will appear)
(the default user on these live images doesn't need to enter password, which is nice but if you create another/new user it probably will)

EDIT: re-attached, improved version, better parsing the exact location of 'live' folder e.g. /lib/live/mount/medium/DEB/live, works on DebianDog also now when using live-boot v3 or v4


Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2016, 13:20
by rufwoof
Wow! Nice find. Great - thanks Fred.

Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2016, 23:51
by rufwoof
Just added a hot corner type action to Debian Jessie LXDE, where if you push the mouse to the top left (or any other corner you choose) you see a small preview of the desktop and all open apps spread out so you can select to activate that app.

Install skippy-xd I grabbed a .deb from ... skippy-xd/ and installed by running

install dpkg -i skippy*.deb
apt-get -f install

edit ~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml

Just after the keyboard and chainQuitKey section

Code: Select all

add the keybind

Code: Select all

<!-- Launch skippy -->
  <keybind key="A-w">
      <action name="Execute"><command>skippy-xd</command></action>
... which attaches skippy to a manual key combination of ALT-w

In Synaptic install brightside

in a terminal run brightside-properties

for the desired corner set a custom action of skippy-xd and close that dialog session.

Next add


to /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart so it starts at reboot.

Reboot (or log out and back in again) and push the mouse to the top left corner to see what happens. Should look something like the attached image where all the open windows are spread out and available to have one clicked to be brought into focus.


Create a folder ~/.config/skippy-xd and within that create a skippy-xd.rc file containing :

Code: Select all

# Copy this to ~/.config/skippy-xd/skippy-xd.rc and edit it to your liking
# Notes:
# - colors can be anything XAllocNamedColor can handle
#   (like "black" or "#000000")
# - distance is a relative number, and is scaled according to the scale
#   factor applied to windows
# - fonts are Xft font descriptions
# - booleans are "true" or anything but "true" (-> false)
# - opacity is an integer in the range of 0-255
# - brighness is a floating point number (with 0.0 as neutral)
# - if the update frequency is a negative value, the mini-windows will only
#   be updated when they're explicitly rendered (like, when they gain or
#   lose focus).
# - the 'shadowText' option can be a color or 'none', in which case the
#   drop-shadow effect is disabled
# - Picture specification:
#   [WIDTHxHEIGHT] [orig|scale|scalek|tile] [left|mid|right] [left|mid|right]
#   Examples:
#   background = 500x400 tile right mid #FF0000 /home/richard/screenshots/256.png
#   background = orig mid mid #FF000080
# - Bindings in [bindings] section can bind to "no" (do nothing), "focus"
#   (focus to window), "iconify", "shade-ewmh" (toggle window shade state),
#   "close-icccm" (close window with ICCCM method), "close-ewmh" (close
#   window with EWMH method), or "destroy" (forcefully destroy the window).

distance = 50
useNetWMFullscreen = true
ignoreSkipTaskbar = true
updateFreq = 10.0
lazyTrans = false
pipePath = /tmp/skippy-xd-fifo
movePointerOnStart = false
movePointerOnSelect = false
movePointerOnRaise = false
switchDesktopOnActivate = false
useNameWindowPixmap = false
forceNameWindowPixmap = false
includeFrame = true
allowUpscale = true
showAllDesktops = false
showUnmapped = true
preferredIconSize = 48
clientDisplayModes = thumbnail icon filled none
iconFillSpec = orig mid mid #00FFFF
fillSpec = orig mid mid #FFFFFF
background =

showAll = true

tint = black
tintOpacity = 0
opacity = 200

tint = #101020
tintOpacity = 64
opacity = 255

show = true
followsMouse = true
offsetX = 20
offsetY = 20
align = left
border = #ffffff
background = #404040
opacity = 128
text = #ffffff
textShadow = black
font = fixed-9:weight=bold

miwMouse1 = focus
miwMouse2 = close-ewmh
miwMouse3 = iconify
I found that the hot corner launching was slow, however by running brightside-properties and activating and setting the bottom two 'delay' slidebars to zero (far left), and then deactivating again, even though those actions weren't actually activate resulted in much quicker activation time.

Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2016, 02:13
by dancytron
Quick question. I know Toni said how to do it at one point or another but I couldn't find it.

How do you change it so the apt and synaptic only download required dependencies instead of required and suggested dependencies?

I went to install Xine-ui and it wanted to install a ton of stuff. Debian dog only installs a few things.


Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2016, 08:09
by fredx181
Dan wrote:How do you change it so the apt and synaptic only download required dependencies instead of required and suggested dependencies?
Create a file named apt.conf in /etc/apt and copy and paste this inside it:

Code: Select all

APT::Install-Recommends "false"; APT::Install-Suggests "false";
I'm not sure if it's needed after that, but better also change in: '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99synaptic' to:

Code: Select all

APT::Install-Recommends "false";

Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2016, 08:40
by mcewanw
fredx181 wrote: As a coincidence I've been looking also at a way to use 'save on demand' with live-boot instead porteus-boot and found something nice.
It's discovery from Toni, see here: ... bdfe8ead97
That code works well on DebianDog with a little modification, but that's because DD has by default some specific links to mountpoints, e.g. /live/cow, live/image.
But on DebianLive I couldn't make it work in the last days... until now :)
The trick I found is: umount /lib/live/mount/overlay ... it's included command in attached script snapmergepuppy
Hi Fred,

Great find this one by Toni, and good for DebianLive you found the trick about .../overlay. I'm also looking forward to seeing what Toni comes up with more generally in the new systems he is producing. Sometimes it may be better to work independently and just keep track of each others ideas - peaceful and quiet. Still, I miss Toni's actual presence on here so hope he will at least drop by some time if only for friendly chat.

I'm happy also that you, rufwood have started this new venture - I can't be bothered creating actual new iso offerings myself so the more who can be bothered the better...! Helps provide stability to what is being developed - also in the sense of the work being more likely to be long term supported.


Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2016, 09:51
by rufwoof
fredx181 wrote:
Dan wrote:How do you change it so the apt and synaptic only download required dependencies instead of required and suggested dependencies?
Create a file named apt.conf in /etc/apt and copy and paste this inside it:

Code: Select all

APT::Install-Recommends "false"; APT::Install-Suggests "false";
I'm not sure if it's needed after that, but better also change in: '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99synaptic' to:

Code: Select all

APT::Install-Recommends "false";
Is that the same as in Synaptic - Settings | Preferences | General there's a Consider Recommended Packages as Dependencies tick-box that can be unticked?

Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2016, 11:31
by fredx181
rufwoof wrote:
fredx181 wrote:
Dan wrote:How do you change it so the apt and synaptic only download required dependencies instead of required and suggested dependencies?
Create a file named apt.conf in /etc/apt and copy and paste this inside it:

Code: Select all

APT::Install-Recommends "false"; APT::Install-Suggests "false";
I'm not sure if it's needed after that, but better also change in: '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99synaptic' to:

Code: Select all

APT::Install-Recommends "false";
Is that the same as in Synaptic - Settings | Preferences | General there's a Consider Recommended Packages as Dependencies tick-box that can be unticked?
Yes that changes the line in 99synaptic to "false"
I expected that would apply for synaptic only, but from quick test I found it affects apt-get from commandline also, so unticking the box makes it overall configuration, no need for adding in apt.conf


Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2016, 14:14
by anikin
fredx181 wrote:
rufwoof wrote:
fredx181 wrote: Create a file named apt.conf in /etc/apt and copy and paste this inside it:

Code: Select all

APT::Install-Recommends "false"; APT::Install-Suggests "false";
I'm not sure if it's needed after that, but better also change in: '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99synaptic' to:

Code: Select all

APT::Install-Recommends "false";
Is that the same as in Synaptic - Settings | Preferences | General there's a Consider Recommended Packages as Dependencies tick-box that can be unticked?

Yes that changes the line in 99synaptic to "false"
I expected that would apply for synaptic only, but from quick test I found it affects apt-get from commandline also, so unticking the box makes it overall configuration, no need for adding in apt.conf

Synaptic is a graphical package management program for apt. It provides the same features as the apt-get command line utility with a GUI front-end based on Gtk+.