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VNC for Slacko64?

Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2016, 12:57
by thesun
Anyone know offhand if there's a way to get VNC working in Slacko64? I see only 2 files labeled "vnc" and (if installed) they don't seem to work.

I'm finding it hard to believe something like that isn't available, so I'm probably just searching the wrong thing. Tried looking if Tightvnc and Real VNC had a Slacko-specific version...didn't find it.

If anyone knows, please drop me a note! Thanks so much!

Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2016, 16:13
by ally
maybe the fatdog64 will work?


Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2016, 19:10
by thesun
Awesome. For some reason Tightvnc is incredibly slow to load on puppy but it at least WORKS if I'm patient!!!! THANK YOU!!! Huge help!!!!


Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2016, 19:11
by thesun
And in the interests of learning how to do this myself, how did you find it and know (or correctly guess!) that it would work?

I think ideally I'm looking for a puppy-noarch version of Real VNC, which doesn't seem to have this long lag when I load...but for now, Tightvnc is fine!

Again, thank you!!!

Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2016, 20:22
by ally
slacko and fatdog are both slackware based so googled vnc & fatdog

there is a 'generic' 64 bit linux real vnc here that should just extract ... ANY.tar.gz


VNC for 'Ubuntus'? > Maybe others

Posted: Mon 18 Dec 2017, 00:17
by mikeslr
Hi All,

I know nothing about VNC. But someone was looking for a 32-bit package for Tahrpup and I located this:

Ubuntu, being based on debian, I downloaded the deb. Then browsed to it using Rox, Right-Clicked, and selected UEXtract from the popup menu. This generated a folder named vnc-E4_6_3-x86_linux.deb.extracted (the x86 indicating 32-bit). Within that folder was another named usr and within that another named bin. Within bin were the binaries/executables. Right-Clicking each again brought up the popup menu from which I chose ListDD with regard to each binary. ListDD's "Missing" tab revealed that no dynamic dependencies were absent. Left-Clicking vncviewer initiated a Graphical User Interface.

That's as far as I, having no knowledge of how the program should function, could go.

But I was pleased to note that I did not have to install the package. Left-Clicking the downloaded deb would have done that. I prefer, when possible, to run applications as "Externals": That is, place the containing folder on /mnt/home and create either (a) just a link to the executable [easiest, drag it to the desktop] or (b) a pet which would provide a menu entry.
