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A MRU[F/D] script to help you recall the apps you ran

Posted: Sun 04 Sep 2016, 22:39
by musher0
Please Note. -- The latest version is referenced among the last of
my posts on this thread.

Hello all.

It starts here: ... ost#921816

I left it in that thread because I believe in continuity. Although theoretically
it should go here, in this section, according to some.

Keeping it in that thread may not be ideal, but there you have the
advantage of seeing the evolution of the script and how forum members
responded to the idea. And obviously I couldn't import their comments on
this thread.

Sorry if this decision offends anyone. Try to enjoy! I hope that you will find
that new, designed-for-Puppy, MRUF/MRUD script useful.


Posted: Mon 05 Sep 2016, 16:56
by bigpup
Just seems posting the pet here would be a good idea :idea:

If the pet package changes, you can easily update the first post with the new version.

Someone accesses this topic and the pet package is in the first posting. Easy to find and get the latest version.

Posted: Mon 05 Sep 2016, 20:34
by musher0
bigpup wrote:Just seems posting the pet here would be a good idea :idea:

If the pet package changes, you can easily update the first post with the new version.

Someone accesses this topic and the pet package is in the first posting. Easy to find and get the latest version.

Variant: ;)
Someone accesses the other topic and the pet package is in the last
posting. Easy to find and get the latest version.

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2016, 15:15
by musher0
Now at version 0.9. Enjoy!

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2016, 03:45
by disciple
When you make a post like this could you please tell people what acronyms like MRUF/MRUD mean?

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2016, 07:12
by musher0
disciple wrote:When you make a post like this could you please tell people what acronyms like MRUF/MRUD mean?
Hello disciple.

MRUD=Most Recently Used Directories, according to The Free Dictionary.
"Most Recently Used Documents", by extension.

The expression Most Recently Used Files or "MRUF" for short, is frequently
heard in the WhineDose world, but not unheard of in the Linux world.


Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2016, 14:38
by musher0
Hello all.

Here is the newest version as of this writing.


Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2016, 23:07
by musher0
Hello all.

Here is the newest version as of this writing.


Posted: Sun 11 Sep 2016, 13:08
by musher0
Hello again, all.

The newest version of the MRUF/MRUD script is now here.


Posted: Wed 14 Sep 2016, 04:19
by musher0
Hello all.

A beta version here: ... ost#923294

Please test without mercy!!! :twisted:

Thanks. TWYL.

Posted: Sat 17 Sep 2016, 15:54
by musher0

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 04:40
by musher0
Hello all.

The final version is here.

Edit, June 29 2017:
Not quite so final. Please see below.


Enjoy! :)

Posted: Thu 29 Jun 2017, 23:49
by musher0
Hello, all.

After quite a few months, please find below the latest version my MRUF-lst
menu, version 0.9.6. This is for 32-bit Puppies.

This version has the major change of using

Code: Select all

when menu construction starts to speed things up. This change brings down
menu construction time to +/- 5.5 seconds while it was over 30 seconds.

It would be 3,77 seconds were it not for the splash info that has to stay on
screen for 5 seconds to be read properly. Human perception limits things.

LC_ALL is restored before the menu is displayed, so there is no
interference with language settings for the menu AFAIK.

Before using it as a menu, may I suggest that you open a console in
/usr/local/bin and type

Code: Select all

MRUF-lst h
and read the info presented.

The design has not changed so I'm not including any captures.

Constructive feedback welcome.


Posted: Fri 30 Jun 2017, 15:44
by musher0
Hello again, people!

Another one!
Version 0.9.7 of this history menu now incorporates the listing of

-- the last 10 packages that you installed through PPM
-- the last 10 files that you saved in your "My-Documents" directory.

Also, the opening splash screen now uses vovchik's script for bcm
instead of yaf-splash.

Make no mistake, once you get the knack of it, this menu is a
tremendous time saver!

I hope you like it.


Posted: Fri 30 Jun 2017, 19:25
by slavvo67
I haven't tested but this looks very nicely done.

I have something similar in terminal but yours is much nicer.

Thanks Musher0

Posted: Fri 30 Jun 2017, 20:00
by musher0
My pleasure, slavvo67.

Posted: Sat 01 Jul 2017, 02:20
by slavvo67
Looks like it's not working on 64bit RU Xerus64. It's 32bit only, I'm guessing?

Posted: Sat 01 Jul 2017, 02:32
by musher0
slavvo67 wrote:Looks like it's not working on 64bit RU Xerus64. It's 32bit only, I'm guessing?

It says so, previous page, 3rd post from bottom, 1st paragraph, here ! :)

vovchik provided the support executables for a 64-bit version last Fall, but a
test on dryfalls' 64-bit "Just Lighthouse" was iffy. I haven't touched that
version since then.


Posted: Tue 04 Jul 2017, 20:19
by musher0
Hello again.

As a reminder, here are the history files this "Recents" script searches
and lists: (Edited July 6 2017)

the recently-used.xbel file at /root/.local/share (with related directories)

Browsers, if installed:
mozilla browser with internal sqlite db (FF, SM, etc.)

Mainstream Apps:
gmplayer (if installed)
geany (with related directories)
mtpaint (with related directories)

separate sqlitemanager program (if installed)

last 10 documents you saved in /root/my-documents

Your Puppy:
last 10 packages you installed with petget

System logs:
/root/.lesshst (history file of the real less from Greenwood Software)

I hope this clarifies things for those who asked.

Also, if you feel it would be useful to add to this "Recents" list others apps
that have a history file
, please let me know. I'll try to oblige. TIA.


Posted: Fri 07 Jul 2017, 18:33
by musher0
Hello all.

Here is MRUF-lst version

This version
-- uses a new horizontal design. It's easier for the eye to follow lines than
to follow columns, IMO.

-- adds a separate sub-menu for the bash scripts in the xbel section. (For
SAFETY, scripts load in geany. You can run them from there is you wish.)

-- you can move the menu on screen from within the menu if you click
on any thin line

-- internally, added extra variables to enable the above.

-- new desktop file and new wrapper script to enable the following feature:

-- the script now starts with the GTK2 theme of your choice -- independent
of your main global GTK2 theme -- when defined in a config file such as

The config file that's provided includes some commented-out GTK2 theme
examples. If you don't have them or you don't like them, there are
thousands of GTK2 themes to choose from at:
