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pCutterPup: Puppy Modification Tool

Posted: Fri 21 Oct 2016, 13:01
by mistfire
This is a tool for modifying puppy linux. It is very useful on remastering puppy for creating a new puplet.

* Can remove the bloat in puppy by deleting it or by separating bloated apps or files in a folder
* Can easily integrated bunch of applications by just placing pet packages in a designated folder
* Highly customizable for customized puplet.

Take a note on the following files and folders:

* contents - This is the working folder where the extracted packages to be installed to the system must be placed.

* patches - This is the folder where the specific files to be installed to the system must be placed. Inside of this folder must be in linux file hierarchy started for example: patches/usr, patches/bin, etc.

* pet-packages - This is the folder where pet packages are placed for integrating into the system. These package will be extracted and will goto contents folder.
* scripts - This is the folder where the scripts and binary files needed by the pCutter are placed
* dri-remove-list.txt - Contains the list of dri files to be deleted.
* pkg-remove-list.txt - Contains the list of applications and softwares to be deleted.
* rm-files-folders.txt - Contains the list of specific files and folders to be deleted. (wildcard character is allowed)

* Edit the following dri-remove-list.txt, pkg-remove-list.txt, and rm-files-folders.txt for customizations
* In case of integrating applications. Place the packages into pet-packages folder
* For updating a specific file. Place the packages into patches folder
* run pCutterPup script. Make some customizations and click PROCEED to start modification process.
* Wait until modification is finished.

* If pCutterpup is used for remastering puppy. Boot puppy in pristine state first before using this tool.
* When backup remove files is enabled. It tooks longer time to complete modification. Bigger disk space is required for this process.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct 2016, 09:49
by watchdog
One suggestion. Implement adrv.sfs fusion with the main puppy sfs and building the new iso.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct 2016, 10:40
by musher0
watchdog wrote:One suggestion. Implement adrv.sfs fusion with the main puppy sfs and building the new iso.
Nah. That would complicate matters I think.

But a seaparate "pCutterPup" for adrv, ydrv, etc. would be nice.
(Although it's not that difficult to open them with unsquashfs,
remaster them directly and then re-squashfs them.)