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pm-utils & GUI tools qshutdown/autopoweroff

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2017, 13:12
by labbe5 ... etbook-pc/

Ubuntu has pm-utils installed by default.

You can invoque suspend with : $ sudo pm-suspend
or invoque hibernation with : $ sudo pm-hibernate
You can suspend or hibernate at a precise time with (30 minutes) :
echo 'pm-suspend' | at now + 30 minutes

For systemd, there is another set of commands (link for more info) :
echo 'systemctl suspend' | at now + 30 minutes

You can shutdown laptop desktop with :
$ sudo shutdown now -h -P (OS will halt and power off immediately)
Or alternatively, at a precise time :
$ sudo shutdown 5:30 -h -P
OS will shutdown at 5:30 AM.

Making aliases may help you shorten the above commands to a simple letter.

qshutdown & autopoweroff

Posted: Tue 16 May 2017, 19:00
by labbe5
You can easily shutdown computer with a command line :

1- now : shutdown now -h -P
2- at a fixed time : shutdown 21:15 -h -P

-h & -P is a command to halt and to poweroff computer

When you want your computer to shutdown after it has completed a task, such as ripping a DVD, and you are away from home, you can set the shutdown time with above command line.

Or use a GUI tool :

qshutdown will help users that are averse to using a terminal emulator :

You need to install qshutdown with PPA, so it is for Dog-based OS :

$sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hakaishi/qshutdown
The repository key will be installed and for efreshing your source file you do : apt update ($sudo apt update for non-root users)
Then apt install qshutdown

Autopoweroff is a more versatile GUI tool than qshutdown, and more useful for home server.
A .deb file here :