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GIMP for Slacko 64-6.3.2

Posted: Mon 15 May 2017, 01:44
by orrin
Is there a GIMP SFS that will run in Slacko 64-6.3.2 without a lot of hassle.

I really do not want to have to install a bunch of 'libraries'!

Posted: Sat 03 Jun 2017, 20:37
by Mike Walsh
Hi, orrin.

To the best of my knowledge, there aren't any GIMP SFS's for the relatively new 64-bit Pups. However.....

I take it you're after an SFS so you can load/unload as and when you want, yes? I'm guessing you essentially want something self-contained?

Have you heard of AppImages? They're self-contained progs/apps which will run from any OS, anywhere, as and when you want. Rather like the Windows 'PortableApps', you can run them from a USB stick if you want, and transfer them between Pups.

Below is a link to a webpage where you can download the 64-bit AppImage for GIMP 2.9 (the developer version). I've tried this in both Tahr64 and Slacko64 6.3.0 (the predecessor to yours.) It runs without issue. ... 2.15#files

This is in the 'official' repo linked to from the AppImage site. The first line in the list is the download you want.


When you've downloaded it, you'll need to right-click on the AppImage and choose 'Properties'. Tick the three 'Exec' checkboxes on the right-hand side, then hit 'Refresh'. This'll make it executable.

Then, just left-click on it as you would for anything else, to start it. Be patient; these things can take a wee while to start the first time, because it's setting up ~/.cache and ~/.config files in /root, the same as any other application would.

If you decide to try this, let me know if it works for you, please.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sun 04 Jun 2017, 01:39
by orrin
Hello Mike,

Could not get it to work. The Exec boxes in the properties were already
selected. Left clicking on the file did nothing... and I waited quite while.

I first tried it in my download folder which is a VFAT format usb drive.
I then tried it in my 'home folder which is an EXT4 formatted usb drive.

I tried unticking then reticking the Exec boxes... still no success.


I downloaded a fresh copy of the file into the system download folder to avoid any problems the VFAT folder may have introduced.
Made it executable, and it still will not load/run!
I watched the system activity with Htop and saw nothing happening!

Thanks anyway Mike for your efforts!