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Question about how to use this forum

Posted: Tue 27 Jun 2017, 23:59
by smokey01
When logged in, it's possible to view posts since last visit. However, if you close the browser before reading all of the post the list is reset.

Is there a way to manually set the date and time of the last visit so you can view posts earlier than last visit?

Posted: Wed 28 Jun 2017, 00:28
by Sailor Enceladus
I have a dummy account for when I accidentally do this. A way to see all posts (newest first) would probably be better though.

Posted: Wed 28 Jun 2017, 01:40
by smokey01
If you don't use the dummy account often it would be a big list.

Posted: Wed 28 Jun 2017, 03:28
by Flash
Have you tried setting your clock, before you log into the forum, to sometime in the future or sometime in the past, to see what happens?

Otherwise, I got nothin'.

Posted: Wed 28 Jun 2017, 03:54
by smokey01
Flash wrote:Have you tried setting your clock, before you log into the forum, to sometime in the future or sometime in the past, to see what happens?

Otherwise, I got nothin'.
I did consider future time but those messages probably haven't been created yet. Maybe setting the clock to the past might work. I will try it.

I did try the search function. It didn't work or I couldn't get it to work.

Edit: Setting the clock to the past did not work. The forum probably works by post number against my profile.


Posted: Wed 28 Jun 2017, 06:46
by bigpup
There are settings in your forum profile.
Preferences->Reading Topics

Posted: Wed 28 Jun 2017, 11:44
by Flash
When you log into the forum, it knows when you last logged in. Is that record kept in the forum server or in your computer, in a cookie perhaps?

I can see who is logged into the forum and when he last logged in.