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Monkey and virtual servers

Posted: Sat 09 Jul 2005, 23:35
by Nathan F
For some reason I can't seem to get the Monkey WS to run with virtual servers right now. This is driving me crazy since I had tested it out earlier and had no problems doing it. Here are the lines from my config file where I setup the virtual hosts.

VirtualDocumentRoot /root/monkey/public_html/texasangelorg
VirtualScriptalias /cgi-bin/ /root/monkey/public_html/cgi-bin
VirtualForceGetDir off

VirtualDocumentRoot /root/monkey/public_html/texasangelbiz
VirtualScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /root/monkey/public_html/cgi-bin
VirtualForceGetDir off

Which is just like the example in the config file. It keeps returning connection refused. Both domains are valid and point to my IP, and both work if I just set it up to serve from the public_html directory without virtual servers. Furthermore, it worked last week when I tried it. I'm stumped here. Anyone have any ideas? Support for Monkey seems to be nonexistent and they don't return my queries.

Incidentally, I looked closer at the config file and figured out how to start Monkey as root, then transfer the proccess to user_nobody. This is closer to how a normal Apache config starts and runs, and a whole lot more secure than running it as root all of the time. Plus, I can now run as a non-priviledged user and still use port 80. I must have been blind before not to see it before. Anyway, I updated my previous post giving a primer on how to get Monkey running with the new info.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 17:40
by Nathan F
Eduardo Silva, the creator of Monkey, is looking into it for me. This may be a bug in the program itself. Will keep the post updated if I hear more from him.

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 20:33
by GuestToo
i'm not a Monkey expert myself ...

i know you can have problems in Puppy when you run as a non-root user ... things like write permissions ... if it works ok as root, but you have problems as non-root, that may be the problem (maybe a file that was created by root that non-root can't modify or delete)

what i did when i made a Monkey roxapp that runs as nobody, was to chown -R nobody:nobody all the files in the Monkey dir ... but maybe you are having a different kind of problem

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 20:42
by Nathan F
I have been having this difficulty for a while. I originally had it running as root al the time, and had this problem. I now have it running as "nobody" and am still having this difficulty. I'm even less of an expert than you, but I'm starting to think that the problem may lie with monkey itself. I read through mountains of info on monkey, most of which is little more than spam in the various mailing lists. I did find out that there was a problem with virtual servers before with an earlier version. It was supposed to be fixed, but maybe this is a different bug? I don't know. Luckily I can do without this feature for the time being. Thanks for the reply G2.


User nobody

Posted: Thu 14 Jul 2005, 23:39
by raffy
I read "user_nobody" from your first post. I wonder, as i know it is user "nobody".

And, yes, you have to "chown -R" all files to the owner "nobody:nobody". However, pls check if it is not "nobody:nogroup" in the server config.

Just another wild guess !!!

Posted: Fri 15 Jul 2005, 00:39
by Nathan F
One of my silly typos was user_nobody. I checked the other items you mentioned and everything seems to be in order. Thank you for trying.
