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Maker tools for puppy

Posted: Wed 13 Sep 2017, 07:04
by Volhout
I have been using puppy Linux for years for development of small electronic circuits, in remote control airplanes, model railway, or simply to water the plants while I was on holiday.

Tools for this development, I took from everywhere where I could get them, and tried to make them work on Puppy Linux. But I never took the effort to share it with anyone.

Last week, when I tried to install all these tools again in the newest release of Xslacko Slim, I decided to spend some time to bundle some of the more frequent used in an SFS.
For my own convenience, and maybe I make someone happy.

I am not a software engineer, so if this does not work for you, I may not be able to fix it. But you are free to try.

The package contains:
1/ Arduino (1.0.5) development environment. This must be used in combination with Java (jre_xxxx). I add the link of the Java runtime I use, but Shinobar has made several SFS'es that may suit your Puppy better.

2/ Picaxe IDE (LinAXEpad). This is an older, Linux based development environment for PICAXE microcontrollers. These are mainly used in education, but for some of my projects they are simpler that Arduino.

3/ Saleae logic analyzer. This software works with the $10 logic analyzer modules from China (as well as the Saleae own modules). A 24 MHz logic analyzer with protocol analysys (I2C/RS232 etc..).

4/ Simetrix 6.2. To my knowledge this is the last version of Simetrix that was released for Linux. To the looks it is a GTK1 implementation, as it does not really use the themes of my puppy. This is a Electronics circuit simulator (like Spice) with schematic entry, and a basic set of models. This package has some rare dependencies, and these are added in /usr/share/lib/tmp

The development tools ... kdxVkZldDg

My Java runtime ... m43cjNEVm8

Screenshot ... 2RmVWNNbzQ

I have tested this set on Slacko 5.7.0 (K3.10.32) and Xslacko Slim 4.2 r54 (K4.12.x).

Need to know: the Simetrix simulator has a set of examples, that are in /root/examples. These are very helpful when trying to understand how it works.

known bugs:
When starting Arduino the first time, it asks you to point at the sketchbook folder (in /root). Apparently I forgot to insert some config file in the SFS