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Gpdfview not working on Xenial pup 64

Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2017, 01:57
by dalderton
gpdfview is shown on the document menu but it is greyed out and does not function.It is shown as being present on the PPM.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2017, 04:02
by bigpup
How did you install it?
Specific details!!!
It is a 64 bit program?

Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2017, 05:12
by Billtoo
.posted in error

Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2017, 06:05
by dalderton
It is a frugal install and it is 64bit as shown in the heading.
I must say in passing that over the years the various versions of Puppy have become very unreliable with many of their included items non functioning from the start.One is that I have used a Dvorak keyboard for a long time and until lately it could be selected at first boot and work without problems, now in most cases you can select it but it no longer works.I have a switchable keyboard so I can still work but it is annoying. Also printing is an absolute lottery as to whether it will work or not. I have 5 different pups on my computer and only 2 have worked from the start.I realize that I pay nothing for it and the developers have their own agenda's but it would be nice I there was a relatively Pup that worked and the rest could do what they like.
Unfortunately some of the EXPERTS on the forum with a couple of notable exceptions seem not to understand that many ordinary mortals, and I include myself in this category know just enough to know how much they dont know.
Anyhow my excuse is my declining years and geriatric tendencies and it is still better than gargantuan Windoze
Regards Dennis.

Posted: Wed 27 Sep 2017, 00:45
by bigpup
gpdfview is shown on the document menu but it is greyed out
It is grayed out until you go to file>open... and select a pdf file to view.

Posted: Wed 27 Sep 2017, 08:30
by dalderton
Thanks for the reply but I think that you misunderstood me.The icon in the menu for gpdfview is greyed out and does not produce the interface which stops me in my tracks. The program is not shown in /usr/share/applications but in /usr/local/bin it is shown as the default pdf viewer so it appears to have got lost somewhere.
Anyway I guess that it is just another minor glitch.At least the printer is working which is pretty unusual with most of the current pups.
Regards Dennis.