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Popular Science promoting Puppy

Posted: Fri 20 Oct 2017, 19:49
by labbe5

This operating system also requires fewer hardware resources than the more data-heavy Windows or macOS. Distros have fewer components than their more famous cousins, and developers have specifically written some, such Puppy Linux and Linux Lite, to be as lightweight as possible. That makes Linux a particularly good choice for those who own older computers. If your ancient laptop is wheezing under the strain of a corporate operating system, try installing Linux on top, and the machine should speed up.

Posted: Wed 25 Oct 2017, 15:04
by Sailor Enceladus
Thanks for the link. I forgot that you could read Popular Science articles online, they don't have a subscription to this magazine at my library for some reason (but they do have one for Popular Mechanics and Wired? :? ).