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pup-volume-monitor: adding disk image support

Posted: Mon 08 Jan 2018, 11:33
by mistfire
Hello I'm attempting to modify pup-volume-monitor. I just want to add disk image support which was showing a mounted disk image on file manager (such as thunar, pcmanfm, caja, etc.) if a disk image is mounted. If the image is unmounted, the drive icon disappears.

I try to edit the daemon by accepting the loop devices. It works however it does not show the mounted image also it triggered errors, some sort of assert null failed.

Also the mounted puppy sfs and the other loaded sfs files need to be avoided.

Can you help me what are the functions in the code are needed to modify in order to support disk images?

Also I have a plan to support floppy drives in the future if I suceed to add disk image support on pup-volume-monitor.