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Quantum entanglement, from NEO satelittes!

Posted: Mon 22 Jan 2018, 09:16
by belham2
These are exciting times we live in, and an inability to see this (or be constantly "negative") is unfortunate. The birth of so much happening in the early days of technology. If you're a fan of science, you can't help but be awed by what is going on with regards to quantum entanglement & communications. Just think about what this means overall and also what it means for the youngin's & children of the world & their futures when online in the world's Net:

".....quantum key distribution (QKD), the keys used to secure communications take advantage of quantum entanglement to protect secret keys against eavesdropping. Those keys are then used to secure communications transmitted over....." ... onference/ ... lite_demo/

Posted: Mon 22 Jan 2018, 23:03
by april
If you are silly enough to believe that this quantum mechanics means anything then you are a dupe of the "University layabout looking for funding" syndrome

despite the vague hype, this is the theory that can prove within 99.9 percent that black is white.

Being a sceptic is a more sensible way to be because you wont see this useable in your lifetime or your kids. Yes it will eventually work but behind the scenes it will be with rational mathematics not fairy fantasy.

Oh satelittes! is one t.

Posted: Tue 23 Jan 2018, 00:07
by prehistoric
I've watched quantum encryption move, over about 50 years, from a theoretical question based on a brilliant thought experiment to an experimental test spanning a laboratory, to fiber-optic connections between nearby cities, which might be useful for banks, to this new level using satellites. Yes, it is now possible to distribute keys for truly unbreakable encryption.

There has been far too little thought about what this will mean. This changes everything -- except human nature.

If you want a speculative read on huge scams made possible by cryptocurrencies, just as an example of what might benefit from quantum encryption, I recommend Charles Stross' Neptune's Brood. You may argue that the characters in that book and Saturn_s_Children are not precisely human, but you should recognize their motivations. They started out catering to human desires.

Think this is too far from present reality? Check on recent conferences about sex with robots. You might also imagine what sexbots would learn about human ethics in their formative years, after which they would "live" a long time. The idea they would outlast the human species is not all that implausible.