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Localization of Seamonkey

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2006, 12:50
by gw

I've a problem when I try to translate Seamonkey with a langpack.xpi. The installation of the langpack is OK, but after, what to do?
I haven't seen the command Edit/Preferences/ Appearance/Languages to can choose the language to use.

Thank you for your help

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2006, 14:03
by Béèm
The languages are in Navigator | languages, not appearance.
I did have to install any xpi to have the languages I want to choose from.

If you don't have languages in navigator |languages something went wrong with your installation.
Mine is the 2.10 SeaMonkey iso.

If the languages are there, but don't work, I think you best go to a SeaMonkey help news group as there are the specialists.

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2006, 14:26
by MU

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2006, 16:34
by gw


Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2006, 17:30
by MU
I currently fould only one solution (only tried it in Puppy 2.10 alpha).

I downloaded from: ... localized/

this file: ... 86.tar.bz2

I extracted it to a Linux-partition.

This created the folder:

Now I renamed Puppys seamonkey from

And created a new symlink:
ln -s /mnt/sda6/seamonkey /usr/lib/seamonkey-1.0.4

Now when I start it, it is german, but a get a srange error-message on the bottom.
To solve this:

Start mozilla, this creates a new
Now copy the file
somewhere, for example to

Now delete the new
and restore your backup, so copy
Now replace
with your new

I finally created this symlink, that might be used by some of Puppys programs:
ln -s /usr/lib/seamonkey-1.0.4/seamonkey-bin /usr/lib/seamonkey-1.0.4/mozilla-bin

Like this I have the latest german Seamonkey 1.0.5 in Puppy with all my old bookmarks and settings, but also 47 MB less free diskspace ;)

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2006, 17:44
by Béèm
You didn't mention you were speaking about the language of the SeaMonkey menu's, so the install language.
Maybe MU's post can help you, I hope so, but I still think it's more a question for the SeaMonkey guru's, well at least the question can be raised there also.
From what I experience of installing xpi's in SeaMonkey, as soon as they are installed you have to close and reopen SeaMonkey. Up to now, this has worked for me, but I never tried another language tho.
On the other side, National Language Support in Puppy is very poor. My machine is in nl_BE and I don't see anything coming in nl.

Bien le bonjour

Posted: Sun 24 Sep 2006, 19:52
by gw

MU : thank you for your response, it runs when I reinstall SeaMonkey, and I can choose the languages for the menus when the corresponding .xpi files are installed. Of course it takes place. I will remaster with the "Unleashed method" to can replace the Seamonkey version of the disk with the new one or replace it by opera.


Posted: Sun 24 Sep 2006, 20:00
by MU
si tu comprends allemand, je peux t'aider bien sur avec des traductions anglais/allemand.

Anglais/francais est plus difficile pour moi, car ca fait plus que dix ans depuis que je parlait francais la derni

Setting Locale

Posted: Mon 25 Sep 2006, 16:27
by jam

These are free flag icons that can be used to set localization/keyboard settings versus the command line. During the first boot of the distro, Puppy can boot to a very generic 800x600 VESA setting, then the user can select their country flag to set localization/keyboard setting as well as change screen resolution and modify Vesa/Xorg settings. This would replace the character-based selection process. This is what I was envisioning for a simplified OLPC version of Puppy I mentioned in another post. There are a total of 239 country icons in this set, which is very complete. Of course, you would have to work your magic to incorporate them into a Puppy app! :)

World Flag Icons:

Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2006, 20:52
by gw
Hello Mark,


Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2006, 21:03
by MU

Posted: Mon 09 Oct 2006, 18:34
by Béèm
quand tu a fini une version beta, je peux y jeter un coup d'

Posted: Mon 09 Oct 2006, 18:44
by Béèm