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cli jwm menu open

Posted: Sun 15 Apr 2018, 14:28
by rufwoof
One of the key codes I have assigned in my jwm configuration (in my case the default ~/.jwmrc file) is

Code: Select all

    <Key mask="" key="Menu">root:3</Key>
... where my main jwm menu is set to being root:3

Code: Select all

    <RootMenu onroot="3">
        <Program icon=......
So that pressing the MENU key on my keyboard (in my case the third button to the right of the spacebar) presents the jwm menu.

Install xdotool and you can simulate keystrokes inside a script such as

Code: Select all

xdotool key Menu
that is the same as pressing the Menu key when that script is run. Make that script executable, assign it a icon ... etc. and then have a icon that when clicked shows the jwm menu.

As I'm using a rox panel as my main toolbar, its useful to have such a standard icon/script for the jwm menu as it them makes the rox panel more like a jwm panel. i.e. in the attached image that shows the top right corner of my screen that is the rox panel at the top of screen and where the first JWM icon when clicked shows the jwm menu ... similar to had it been a conventional jwm tray.

I have my actual jwm tray as a autohide at the bottom centre of the screen. Having the panel as a rox panel at the top of screen means that I can drag/drop icons onto those icons to open programs with the dragged/dropped file (that you can't do in jwm).

Re: cli jwm menu open

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 09:59
by MochiMoppel
rufwoof wrote:Install xdotool and you can simulate keystrokes inside a script such as

Code: Select all

xdotool key Menu
that is the same as pressing the Menu key when that script is run. Make that script executable, assign it a icon ... etc. and then have a icon that when clicked shows the jwm menu.
If you need to access the menu with the mouse and you don't want to use the tray button in your autohidden tray, why then not simply click on the pinboard?