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Does Puppy have a regular DPup-Jessie?

Posted: Mon 16 Apr 2018, 03:39
by musher0
@Flash: please move this thread to where it belongs. TIA.


Hello all.

It struck me the other day that Puppy does not have a regular DPup-Jessie
aside from jose242's PupĴibaro and fredx' DebianDog. There seems to be a
hole in the series.

Or I looked in all the wrong places? :)

Thanks in advance for any lead. BFN.

Posted: Mon 16 Apr 2018, 05:36
by darry19662018
Heh Musher,

Having looked at the collection I believe you are correct. Devuan being the closest thing as they are still at Jessie for stable.

Posted: Mon 16 Apr 2018, 10:28
by musher0
Thanks for the info, darry.

Would it be worth building one from the woof-CE, like "to provide a
missing link"? (Talking in general; I'm not saying you or I or anyone
should do anything.)

Come to think of it, Sailor Enceladus built a Puduan "Jessie" about a year
ago. Plus jose2424's Pupjibaro is pretty good -- except he replaced the
PPM with synaptic.


Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2018, 11:01
by Smithy
Sounds like a good idea Musher. A neat little Debian Jessie would be good.

I still go back to the Wheezy quite a bit, with Joseph pupjibaro kernel put in, and it is a good mix. And OscarTalks worked that Pemasu baby hard!
The look of the new artful, stretch and bionic is really good and crisp, so it would be good to be able to get that look, however it is achieved.

It could be the concorde puppy. Without the unfortunate incident that contributed to the end of its life.

Pupjibaro jessie Beta can be your Puppy Jessie

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2018, 15:52
by hamoudoudou
But Pupjibaro has just to be renamed as an US Puppy to be a real DPUP jessie Tested her in bêta version
ES is just a language pack.. Underneath en-US is everwhere.
Sure Jose Peralta give it its attractive latin touch.. and quality..
Yes, it is the only Jessie not abandoned.. Jose is not american citizen.. Argentino yo créo. No good !
Download here
Puppy linux con paquetes debian Jessie.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2018, 17:07
by Smithy
Thanks Hamoudoudou, I for one missed that thread.

DPUP Jessie : Just Rename Pupjibaro Jessie

Posted: Mon 25 Jun 2018, 22:38
by hamoudoudou
DPUP Jessie : Just Rename Pupjibaro Jessie and replace desktop by flat one instead of coloured latino icons.. Ask Jose before, when you join him.
You Will just have to create an HotLine.
ISO public released and available on Sourceforge and other sites (para usarios de habla ....)