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Updating Seamonkey to v 2.49

Posted: Mon 07 May 2018, 22:33
by southcoast
I have a Thinkpad 600E on which I upgraded from version 4.12 to 4.21 retro. Upon completing upgrade and executing 1st browsing session, I am advised the version of Seamonkey 1.1.15 I am using needs to be updated to version 2.49. I downloaded the Seamonkey object and started following the installation instructions. After extracting the package and running the prescribed ./seamonkey command, I receive the following:

# pwd
# cd seamonkey
# ./seamonkey
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/local/seamonkey/seamonkey/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM.

Should I being using a package handling system on Puppy to do this installation using the downloaded tar object?


Is there, or are there, manual step(s) I can take to resolve the above exception?

Posted: Mon 07 May 2018, 23:35
by 6502coder
SeaMonkey as of 2.49 requires GTK3, whereas Puppy 4.x only has GTK2. If you had a more powerful machine, it would be possible to install the necessary GTK3 libraries needed to run SeaMonkey 2.49. However, with only a Pentium II in that Thinkpad 600E, even if you managed to get GTK3 and SeaMonkey 2.49 installed, the performance would be pathetic. Really, all modern browsers demand so much in the way of hardware resources that none of them are going to work on satisfactorily on a Pentium II machine.

IMO the best browser for a Pentium II machine would the classic Opera. There are PETs available to install Opera 12 on Puppy 4.x here:
You might also consider moving to Wary Puppy, and using the Opera 12 SFS from here:

Posted: Tue 08 May 2018, 01:10
by musher0
Hello all.

For everyone's information, the last version of Seamonkey for GTK2 is
v. 2.48, here.

You can either replace the version in the Pup (usually at
/usr/lib/seamonkey) with v. 2.48


unpack v. 2.48 with UEXtract at /mnt/home/seamonkey and run it from
there, portable style.

For example, during the week-end, I gutted the old Seamonkey in
VinventVanPup (a Upup-Raring- meant for digital artists) at
/usr/bin/seamonkey and replaced it with v. 2.48, and the Pup was
happy with the change. It didn't bite me, it didn't even bark! ;)

Everything kept working fine. I did not need to update the GTK from
v. 2 to v. 3 -- or install any extra libraries.

As a note:
SM 2.48 was published in late July 2017, so it's not old, really.


Posted: Tue 08 May 2018, 01:11
by wiak
Or try this Slitaz pup. It boots as a puppy but uses the ultra low-weight Slitaz thereafter, which has quite a full featured Midori browser configured. Should match your system maybe?



Posted: Tue 08 May 2018, 22:08
by norgo
musher0 wrote:Hello all.
For everyone's information, the last version of Seamonkey for GTK2 is
v. 2.48, here
official this is correct,
but fortunately it's still possible to build seamonkey with GTK2

I'm using currently seamonkey-2.49.2 GTK2 without problems.
Compiled 2.49.3 successful today (not extensively tested yet )

example for GTK2 version here


Posted: Wed 09 May 2018, 21:48
by southcoast
Thanks all for the informative and prompt responses. I am somewhat familiar with Linux but by no means proficient with the internals. This Thinkpad is a good crash and burn machine for re-aquainting myself.
I will try each of these as a learning opportunity. I have burnt a couple CD's and encountered the circumstance where (probably due to the Windows 7 machine I burned the image from) the OS is not readable with the sfs file not being found. I therefore had to step through each version of Puppy to find which would load, then, try to upgrade from there which I did from 4.12retro to 4.21retro.

Thanks again for the information.

Posted: Wed 09 May 2018, 22:25
by 6502coder
Come on, guys. This is a ThinkPad 600E. According to Wikipedia:
ThinkPad 600E - Featuring a Pentium II processor at either 300 MHz, 366 MHz, or 400 MHz... This model shipped with an external floppy drive, built-in CD-ROM, either a 4.0GB, 6.4GB or 10GB hard drive, and 32MB or 64MB of RAM on the motherboard (upgradeable to 288MB/320MB using PC66 SODIMMs).
So, bottom line, the OP's machine is AT BEST a Pentium II, 400 MHz, with 320 MB RAM. Can you seriously suggest trying to run SeaMonkey 2.48/49 on such a machine? As a way to access the Internet in an emergency, or once in a blue moon to DL and install a PET, okay. As a daily use browser--no way.

PuppyLinux and Seamonkey upgrade

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 15:40
by southcoast
To confirm, this 600e on this thread has 192mb of RAM and shows a 297Mhz processor with a 12Gb hard drive showing 7.61Gb free.
I did load the Puppy Racy5.5 OS and it ran as expected a bit slower and I saw only 87mb free memory. When the 4.21 OS was loaded, it ran quicker with about 349mb free memory although the Seamonkey browser lacked some compatibility with certain websites. As well, the Seamonkey mail client also ran into issues when it tried to display content from mail items received form Cisco. These were as well incompatibility issues with the websites security protocol.

Does there exist a table which shows for processor and memory specifications the best Puppy Linux OS?

I do have another older Thinkpad still with Win XP on it. That is a Pentium III (846mhz processor and 384mb of RAM) with 309gb free on a 454gb drive.

browser updating.

Posted: Sat 16 Jun 2018, 14:27
by pupmaster72
Hello i am new to puppy and am experiencing similar issues with browser updating.i have absolutely no idea how to install a downloaded tarball in puppy linux.
any help please.?


Posted: Sat 09 May 2020, 00:33
by RafaelCCA
musher0 wrote:Hello all.

For everyone's information, the last version of Seamonkey for GTK2 is
v. 2.48, here.

You can either replace the version in the Pup (usually at
/usr/lib/seamonkey) with v. 2.48
Muchas Gracias, funciona de maravilla; exactamente me dirigí al directorio de seamonkey y copie todo el contenido de la versión 2.48; ejecute el programa y listo.

Exactamente lo que buscaba, para poder reproducir videos de "Youtube con Html5".

Utilizo la versión Puppy Precise 5.7.1

Saludos desde ESV.