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UEFI Installer error "Failed to mount the CD!"

Posted: Wed 16 May 2018, 15:32
by dfw55
I am trying to create a Xenial 7.5 flash drive.

I booted from an Xenial 7.5 cd, and started the UEFI installer for flash drives.

When I get to the prompt "Please choose where the puppy files are located", I select CD, and press OK. I then get an error message "Failed to mount the CD! Is it there? Exiting".

The CD is there, because it is the CD that I just booted from! I tried it with the CD mounted and unmounted, but I still received the same error.

I switched to using the ISO to create my flash drive, but I am still curious as to why I received the error message about the "missing" CD.

Posted: Wed 16 May 2018, 15:53
by jafadmin
Yeah, don't select "from CD". Select from file location, then navigate to the root of the CD drive @ /mnt/sr0.