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No secure webmail providers?

Posted: Sun 05 Aug 2018, 05:43
by 8Geee
After reading a bunch of "secure" webmail offerings, I have reached the conclusion that no secure webmail offers all three of the required tests;

1.) Not in the USA, CANADA, UK, or EU unless server located there (thats OK).
2.) Does not use JavaScript (HTML or TEXT OK).
3.) Uses only TLS1.2-FS or TLS1.3. (NO SSL)

Pick any two you like... plenty of winners.
Not all three.

Unless you know of one...


Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 00:17
by Subito Piano
Protonmail? (yeah, it's in the EU, but have you looked into it?)

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 02:10
by 8Geee
ProtoMail is the best one I found so far. As long as its hosted there (the EU).
However, entering the protomail(dot)com address in my browser indicates 'protomail' does not own the security certificate... webair does. Therefore no connect, and no path from webair to protomail... so thats a no-go here.

I will amend my first post, as recent EEU developments indicate a better alternative to the others, the EEU will be dropped from the 'not located in' list.


Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 02:58
by Subito Piano
Hmmm...i was referring to, not Protomail is a different company.

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 23:35
by 8Geee
Sorry for that. Upon the correct mail service, I find that one must use OpenPGP dot JavaScript. A javascript application (one downloads the library, and it can be used for other things). Otherwise very good service.

A general paragraph about end-to-eend encryption. Note the lack of security for the headers (meaning everyone knows Alice sent Bob a message).


Posted: Tue 04 Sep 2018, 21:57
by Puppyt
Hiya 8Geee,
would Fastmail fit the bill for you? I started with an Operamail account in the 90's, and that morphed into a couple of paid Fastmail accounts through the years - am very happy indeed with the service. Although the servers were originally in Australia I believe - I don't know what the current status is. ... y-mindset/ could give you some background if you like? HTH

Posted: Tue 04 Sep 2018, 22:24
by Puppyt
Soz - wikipedia puts me straight on the servers being in NYC and Amsterdam :(

Posted: Tue 04 Sep 2018, 22:42
by musher0
Hi 8Geee.

Have you tried the free webmail at

I can't remember if I needed to register from a vivaldi browser (sorry,
memory lapse), but after that I could access my vivaldi mail account from
any browser.

Never got any spam on their webmail site.


Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2018, 00:28
by 8Geee
Hi Musher0

No need for a vivaldi browser mentioned.
Everything looks OK, including security.
"Send your public key in an e-mail" gives me hesitation.

Otherwise not bad for free... 5Gb store and 20Mb attatchments.
