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Posted: Thu 27 Sep 2018, 00:56
by labbe5
To get your copy of Densify :

Use of a Dog OS is recommended to follow this tutorial.

Tutorial :

Related app :
Discover pdfmixtool :
Split, Merge, and Mix PDF files.

There is a snap package.

Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2018, 01:18
by disciple
Presumably this is really just good for scanned pdfs, or perhaps pdfs with lots of pictures?

For normal text/vector pdfs I haven't found a way to match the file sizes produced by PDFsam's compression option; not sure exactly how it achieves them!

Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2018, 05:24
by 8Geee
Well, I don't see much use for it unless one has to incorporate hi-rez pix in the file, and then shrink it to a manageable file-size. But one still keeps the original copy.

And not for nothin' Most Offices that make pdf file-copies have a GUI box/tabs to configure the output like jpg compression, print dpi, etc. So is this for the NoRTM types that abound?

Example: I have a 3-Page document file with 2 spreadsheet tables in it. The 'Office size' is 133Kb. The Office has a pdf interface, so I compress jpg's to 75% and set dpi to 150 (My screen rez on this notebook is 133 dpi (0.19mm)... most monitors are 0.25mm best (100dpi)). The pdf version of this Office file is 18Kb. Ummm, thats compression also. For these correspondence-sized docs, well, its not useful. 700 Page novel... yes, full presentations yes. But you keep the original anyway.
