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Where to unpack Libreoffice to?

Posted: Sat 31 Aug 2019, 11:30
by LeithR
I'm downloading from links in puppus dogfellow's thread { LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)}

. Where should I unpack it to? Or will it unpack itself correctly?

Posted: Sat 31 Aug 2019, 11:43
by Flash
Just click on the .pet. It should do everything for you.

Posted: Sat 31 Aug 2019, 13:35
by bigpup
Just make sure you have enough free space in the Puppy save.
That is a big program.

Data partition or directory?

Posted: Sat 31 Aug 2019, 23:40
by davids45
G'day LeithR,

If this is for your old laptop with its 40GB hard-drive, you have room to create a separate partition (e.g. sda2) as a data partition to "store" big programs like LibreOffice, as well as savefile backups and caches and photos and documents and all personal stuff ... (I'd use about 30GB for 'data' leaving 10GB for a collection of Frugal Pups).

Once such a data partition is set up (or a data folder in sda outside of the Puppy directory), there copy the Libreoffice pet to its own sub-folder then use Uextract or a similar extractor to de-compress the pet into its various sub-directory bits (e.g. /opt, /usr,..).

Libreoffice should now run by clicking on its various programs in the /opt/libre-officex.y/program/..... directory if it's a recent version, or look in the /usr/bin/ directory if it's an older version of LO.

I drag the calc and writer .desktop textfile or its executable to my desktop from my data partition for easy access in each Puppy.

The data partition must be mounted during booting (I put a script into /root/Startup) or once booting is over via clicking its drive-icon, but the sda programs folder method should be OK as-is.
I run wine, Gimp, browsers, etc this way so my Frugals use just the one 'big' version of memory-heavy programs and their savefile backups are no more that a few MB in size.

I also keep my libreoffice config profile - you'll find in /root/.config/ - as a symlink back to the real config on my data partition.

All this keeps each Puppy's savefile small and my data safely out of the Puppy frugal directory which gets a lot of comings and goings.

David S.

Re: Where to unpack Libreoffice to?

Posted: Sun 01 Sep 2019, 20:52
by oui
LeithR wrote:I'm downloading from links in puppus dogfellow's thread { LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)}. Where should I unpack it to? Or will it unpack itself correctly?
I don't know the dogfellow's thread (that you did not link in your message) but your question is as far absurd, really, that


as well as


are both package to unpack and link itself correctly changing if necessary the adequat pointers!


they don't always operate in each Puppy version!

in the other precedent thread from you, I did explicitelly give to you the links to the adequat depositories for Slacko (Slacko was YOUR initial requirement!) for the very small Slacko 5.3.3!

you can't mix the versions totally free BECAUSE OF THE DEPENDENCIES!!!

if a supplementary (you don't really need LO / OO in Puppy: Abiword, gnumeric etc, the Gnome Office, are built in!!!) package don't work, try to invoque it in the terminal and the terminal will explain you what the system miss to start the application, generally one ... a lot of depoendencies (you can add those missing libraries if you find them as binaries), or, oh terror, an other C library base (nothing to do there: you have to change to an other Puppy version if you want to start THAT VERSION of your supplementary application, so a fresh LibreOffice etc... ; in that case is your Puppy to OLD for that version of the NEW application; it can also happen with new releases of high performance browsers like Seamonkey, Firefox etc.).

Note: if you will start an app in the terminal, you need to know the correct name of the binary or link to the binary in /usr/bin or /bin or /usr/local/bin ! Invoquing

Code: Select all

# libreoffice 
WILL (probably) NOT WORK because the right short name of the binary (*1 is probably

Code: Select all

# soffice 
depending of the *.pet or *.sfs (reason of my claim before, you don't indicate the source of your package clearly)...

in this case, you see, instead of an error message with the missed dependencies only the empty return message as following:

Code: Select all

# libreoffice
(*1 how to find those right short names? For CLI app's look in /bin or /usr/bin. For graphic applications, search the graphic app in /usr/share/applications, open the *.desktop file and search for the line including "exec" or look in ~/.jwmrc build after loading the *.pet / *.sfs in the adequate line in the menu at the end of the line!

Re: Where to unpack Libreoffice to?

Posted: Mon 02 Sep 2019, 03:02
by musher0
LeithR wrote:I'm downloading from links in puppus dogfellow's thread { LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)}

. Where should I unpack it to? Or will it unpack itself correctly?
Why are you not asking Puppus Dogfellow directly?

Puppus Dogfellow is a serious member. AFAIK, he tests everything before publishing.

no unpacking necessary, just click

Posted: Mon 02 Sep 2019, 05:27
by Puppus Dogfellow
LeithR wrote:I'm downloading from links in puppus dogfellow's thread { LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)}

. Where should I unpack it to? Or will it unpack itself correctly? ... 85#1031685

see the above post and the one below it for newer pets and sfses.

if you're without menu entries after installation, use the .desktop pets for 6.2 or 6.3 depending on which you chose (libre's no longer supporting 32 bit so the newest for that would be in the 6.2 series (6.2.5 and 6.3 are in the links)). if you've got menu entries after initial installation--congrats. nothing more to do as far as that goes.

i can't recall the figures, but libreoffice claims 6.3 is significantly faster in many respects over 6.2, so if you have 64 bit you may want to give the newest one a try.

32 bit tested in xenial, 64 bit tested in tahr and bionic.


Re: no unpacking necessary, just click

Posted: Mon 02 Sep 2019, 21:05
by oui
very interesting stuff! thank you very much Puppus Dogfellow!
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:i can't recall the figures, but libreoffice claims 6.3 is significantly faster in many respects over 6.2, so if you have 64 bit you may want to give the newest one a try.
he did print out in

an hardinfo report with the precision:

Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz