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Mut Rc2

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2005, 10:39
by Lobster
this is my system
- does not seem to have picked up the 5 1/4" drive
It has recognised the CD writer (ome-W144) but is telling me to close it
- it ain't open. (could be my set up will try with Ubuntu and see what happens . . .)

I also plugged in a key drive - now just gonna try unpluging and plug in again
(yep it got that as SDA - that is excellent can save on that . . . )

The floppy 3 1/2" is working fine - the HD is fine and the DVD ejects - did not play DVD yet . . .

Did you say this was your third tcl program - Gosh - so far pretty good . . . ?

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2005, 11:26
by Guest
You oldie hahahahaha....I suppose you've got a stack of 180K disks too :D
tee hee - I accuse you of crinklyphobia :-)
fear of decrepid olde people (I myself am only 93)

I remember the days of the abacus and sliderule . . .
when Puppys were young muts . . .

My first PC computer used a 1086 processor (in between a 8086 and 286) and . . .


Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2005, 11:34
by Jesse
Hey I like your screen shot, looks good :)

I'm not sure why the floppy 5 1/4" isn't showing up.
Do you know if it works under any other Linux?
or if it needs a special kernel module loaded?
can you send me a copy of your debug log please :)

I'm just a bit sleepy at the mo, just your quick off the top of your head answers are cool :)

I've been looking into the "close" only button for your cdrom, it seems that the status of the tray is "kernel driver specific" and not gauranteed to work.... so either you manualy eject your cdrom, and click close (does it switch to "Eject" ?), or I put in showing both eject and close for all cdroms.

What exactly is the brand of cdrom? does anyone else have this problem with the same or other type of cdrom?

yep third program, I've polished this one quite a few times... and had good error reports from people to fix bugs I'd never find :)

The GxineDVD button is a bit of a cheat, it runs the gxine program with the "dvd:/" option, so Gxine has to know where the dvd drive is, and I'm not sure how it goes about finding that out. Does Gxine work with dvds normally?

Yay Whopppee!! :) Horay your sda and hd work! :)

I'd better get to bed now.


Mut Test

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2005, 13:39
by Lobster
Do not worry about the 5 1/4" - had it working once . . .
did not seem to be working on Ubuntu - so probs there . . .

- eh how do I send a debug log again?

I think that eject button could be because the CD ROM is wrongly wired up (the manual press button is not opening it - time to get out the chisel)

The brand of CD ROM is what comes with a Time Brand PC (this computer is so mad it will not run XP (only Win98)
It is an OME-W141 - whatever that is and it is a CD read writer

Have just tried DVD's running gxine - seems to be working - may have to watch a DVD later . . .
Now that is kewl . . .

HD and keydrive I could access and believe me this was easier than hunting through root/mount/home

so this is great stuff - it really does make a difference - also it is written in Tcl which is a great language and is not used much because it works (yep - programmers abandon what works or is too simple - tsk tsk)

Nice Jesse - get some rest
Hey guys test this it is kewl and useful . . . (it will be in 1.04 Puppy) - make sure it works with your hardware . . .

Confused by moderators

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2005, 13:48
by Lobster
Bladehunter - as I am moderator of this forum and senile - I seem to have edited rather than replied to your postings . . .


Many apologies - so it seems as if you are talking to yourself
(well you are a teapot . . . )

- will you be calling for involuntary euthanasia?