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Gnucash 3.7

Posted: Fri 13 Dec 2019, 11:18
by memo
Hi all,

would you kindly provide the latest version of Gnucash the latest version? the version in the ppm is too old and I need some of the features that are included in the new version.


Posted: Thu 26 Dec 2019, 00:15
by mikeslr

I'm not sure it can be done without compiling a great many 'nuts & bolts' in addition to the application itself. Gnucash 3.7 was built to run under Ubuntu Eoan Ermine -- 5 versions later than xenial xerus whose binaries were used in woofing xenialpup. [Don't ask me why a publisher of applications would spend time building for a short-term (9 month) release. Unless, as I suspect, building for Linux was an afterthought and when the programmers asked " For which version" receive the uninformed response "the newest, of course"]. 3.7 doesn't even run OOTB under Ubuntu Disco Dingo whose 'nuts & bolts' are too old; and the debian-buster version is 3.4.

Missed your specification of 3.7 when I scanned your post. Thought gnucash might be a useful application so I built the 2.6 version under Bionicpup64. Not counting the application, itself, there were 102 dependencies, among them python 3.7 --maybe how gnucash 3.7 gets its name. Bionicpup64's python is at 2.7.

It would make far more sense to try to assemble it under Upup Eoan Ermine (or dpup-buster or busterdog --if you can live with 3.4--) than to compile scores of dependencies under xenialpup32 or download them via web-browser from Ubuntu's Eoan Ermine repo.

How did people survive before gnucash added the features found in 3.7?