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A question about booting from USB

Posted: Wed 11 Oct 2006, 20:32
by nerd1618
Hi, I am trying to boot PuppyLinux from USB.

I have installed PuppyLinux on USB from the universal installer in LiveCD using the default settings.

I have three computers.
One is Dell which has an explicit booting menu when I press F12 in the booting: boot from USB Mass Drive
The other two have no such thing. For these two, I set the booting priority in BIOS to Removable Drives(Devices?)

With this USB drive, I can boot on Dell.

But on the other two, I can't; it goes directly to Windows.

In this case, is the USB drive working? Should I try other settings when I install PuppyLinux on USB?

Posted: Thu 12 Oct 2006, 14:12
by Flash
It's hard to tell without a lot more tinkering. Probably the two that won't boot, can't be made to boot from USB flash memory. Have you checked to see if there is a BIOS update for them? If they have floppy drives then you can start the computer with a special boot floppy which then loads the USB flash memory.