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Shotcut Video Editor

Posted: Mon 30 Mar 2020, 15:20
by mikeslr
Shotcut was brought to our attention by Jamesbond or Kirk when they included it in one of the FatDogs. My overall impression is that it has greater capabilities than avidemux but probably not as much as Openshot or Kdenlive. On the other hand, its learning curve is also much less steep than those.

For a couple of years after discovering Shotcut I couldn't get versions to run under any current Puppies. Some older versions could be run under Wine. But the last couple of iterations do run under some recent 64-bit Puppies*, 'though perhaps only debian/ubuntu-based. Additionally, some straight-forward tutorials/guides and even video 'how-tos for Beginners' are available. Google for them. Note, there's no 'r' in shotcut. :lol:

AppImages and 'Portables' can be obtained here,

I downloaded 'the portable' and extracted it. Within the extraction folder was a script named 'shotcut'. I think permissions were already set as executable by 'all'. Clicking it opened the Application under Bionicpup64. There are other scripts --ffmpeg, melt, qmelt, etc.-- apparently relating to the files in its bin, lib and share folders.

I currently do not have a working version of any Slacko64. But the modular nature of the shotcut 'portable' --including its utilization of scripts to bind its files together-- suggest that even if it can not be run under Slacko64 OOTB some inclusion of missing libraries and modification of the scripts may be able to produce one.

* There are new 32-bit Window versions which might (untested) run under Wine.