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[BionicPup64] yassm cant mount

Posted: Mon 13 Apr 2020, 09:33
by fabrice_035
I have a mybooklive network drive and a share on a raspberry pi.
This equipment has been present in my network for a very long time.
I see that with BionicPup64 I can't connect to mybooklive but I don't have any problem with the raspberry pi

I've come up with a solution, by modifying yassm-login

Code: Select all

SHARE="${SHARE//./ }"
#mount.cifs //$IP/"$SHARE" $MYSHARE $AUTH > /dev/null 2>&1 # original not work :(
mount -t cifs //$IP/"$SHARE" $MYSHARE  -o iocharset=utf8,rw,vers=1.0,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=0770,user=$USER,password=$PASSWORD  > /dev/null 2>&1
 # modified Work :)
It's weird because it's the first time I've had this problem with a puppy.

Do you know why there's this new problem? Thank you

Posted: Mon 13 Apr 2020, 14:00
by rcrsn51
Click the Help button on the YASSM screen. It takes you to the main YASSM post with some Important updates.

Note the one about "vers=1.0".

Posted: Mon 13 Apr 2020, 14:14
by fabrice_035
but why the latest versions don't have a share search feature.
and why is version 2.7 distributed with bionic64 if it's not up to date?
