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More Dillo browser patch?

Posted: Sat 16 Jul 2005, 08:10
by puppian
I've used the Dillo Patch 0.73 and love it so much. Thanks!

After some search I found this site:

which has another patch for Dillo 0.85 that:
# Support for frames and tabbed browsing
# Enables display of pages with Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, Greek and other character sets
# Text Search in status bar (configurable)
# Anti-aliasing and scaled fonts through Xft support
# Changed to use UTF-8 for internal processing
# Multi byte char selection support
# Support for character entity references like &#xnnnn;
# Automatic charset recognition support
# Change font setting code for i18n
# Gettextize
# GUI tool for configuration

I've downloaded the deb package, undeb it, and copied to puppy but it just doesn't work. It's my app-installing skill I suppose (I'm a newbie in Linux).

The patch sounds really great. Would someone make a dotpup for it so that dillo can become even better (I really prefer it to the heavy Firefox & Mozilla)?


Posted: Sat 16 Jul 2005, 09:42
by BarryK
That's extremely interesting!
They have the patched source available, so someone could compile it.
If someone hasn't done it by Thursday/Friday (21/22), then remind me and I'll do it -- tied up with heaps of other stuff right now.

Posted: Sun 17 Jul 2005, 17:08
by Nathan F
This does look interesting. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to successfully download the rpm or deb. I think their server mime settings are off or something. I can't compile right now because I don't have the tools, I hope someone else will give this a try.


Posted: Sun 17 Jul 2005, 17:10
by Nathan F
Just noticed that Guest too already made the dotpup. Thanks G2.

Posted: Mon 18 Jul 2005, 05:56
by puppian
Thanks Nathan :)

Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2005, 04:39
by GuestToo
my Dillo 0.8.5 patched dotpup does display international fonts:

but it does not seem to work in Puppy

this is a screenshot of the Dillo dotpup package running in Vector Linux

i configured Dillo to use the arialUNI font

Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2005, 15:45
by puppian_not_loggedin
nice screenshot!

maybe you can try copying some files from Vector Linux to Puppy? Barry once said Puppy lacks something for the locale to work properly. That 'something' should be in VL I guess :wink:

One Happy Puppy !!

Posted: Wed 03 Aug 2005, 20:12
by puppian
I got it I got it!
It works 'suddenly' on my puppy!
see the screeshot:

It happens like this. I'm googling for games these days. Downloaded a few and installed to see which one works in puppy. One of the game displays an error message about 'glibc' when run. I don't know what it is but think that it must be another library. So searched in and downloaded an rpm-package. The game doesn't work after adding that package, but I leave it there, thinking that other games may need it.

Some time later, I discovered that dillo can now show international fonts! At first I suspected that it's something called 'gettext' I installed (another game needs it) does the magic. But finally I know it's the glibc package. A search in this forum tells me that 'glibc' is needed if one wants to complile in puppy and it is a 17M download. However, the package I downloaded is just 3.8M (I have a slow connection and got version 2.3.1 as it seems to be the smallest). And as files added to directories other than /root/, /usr/ and /etc/ will not persist on reboot, only half of the package was installed actually. Well, I haven't fattened puppy too much to add international font support to dillo :D

I don't know why adding that package works and don't know which files are actually responsilbe for that. Maybe someone more knowledgeble than me can add the explanation? :)

For those who are insterested, you can got the glibc package here: ... 0:0:914910
(this is version 2.3.2 as I now know that puppy uses 2.3.2)

Everything is possible with Puppy!

Posted: Wed 03 Aug 2005, 21:52
by Lobster
Pretty cool - does that allow these international fonts in Mozilla etc do you know?

Anyway made the news . . .

Posted: Wed 03 Aug 2005, 23:41
by GuestToo
if you put a unicode font in /root/.fonts, like the one puppian (i think) suggested ... ... international fonts should work with Mozilla/Firefox/Opera (and Abiword, Leafpad, Open Office, etc etc etc) automatically

if you copy or symlink /mnt/home/windows/fonts to /root/.fonts, you will have all of your Windows fonts available

i have a font installer gui in my to-do list, if anyone wants to do it, it might be useful

Posted: Thu 04 Aug 2005, 09:31
by puppian
Thanks Lobster :D

Yep, G2 is right. Many apps will work with the font copied to /root/.fonts/
The full name of the font is 'Arial Unicode MS' and is in the M$office CD or can be downloaded here:

The glibc package is only needed for dillo (and maybe other apps that I don't know?).
BTW, I guess Open Office has their own unicode font, anyone knows? Vector Linux does use another unicode font (see the link below).

"...i have a font installer gui in my to-do list....."
Sounds very useful :)
Would it work like what's described in this post? ... 6e046339a9

The search button still don't display right in dillo and perhaps the above operation would solve it? I don't have VL and so can't try it out (any thing larger than puppy is too large for me). :(
I'm quite sure that it can solve the font-displaying issue in XMMS though. One can choose which font to use in XMMS in Preference, but I can't find an entry showing my unicode font. Or, can I change the default directory that XMMS search for fonts?

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2005, 09:13
by GuestToo
i just noticed that UTF-8 fonts do work with dillo in Puppy ... it is other fonts like Shift_JIS that do not work

i also noticed, that Google sends Firefox a page with UTF-8 characters, but it sends Dillo a page with Shift_JIS characters (which don't work with Dillo)

Wikipedia seems to work wih Dillo, for example

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2005, 09:32
by Lobster
the wiki now has a page which will need some work on it