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Multi-Session on different Boxes

Posted: Tue 19 Jul 2005, 22:44
by Scott0

I am interested in using Puppy as an intro OS for Linux beginners. Currently having trouble getting the multi session to work. Will continue working on the problem based on the answer to the below question.
Once a Multi-Session CD is burned is the CD limited to the machine that the CD was created on? Or can the CD be used on any other machine that has a CD-RW? I am interested in burning a CD, copying it and handing it to 8 to 10 people who are interested in trying Linux. The beginners usually only have 1 machine and know nothing about partitioning. Puppy is the best candidate due to info being saved after each session.



Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2005, 00:01
by Flash
I've not been able to get multisession to work, yet, but in theory you ought to be able to swap the CD between most computers, provided they have enough RAM. I'm not sure, but I believe the minimum RAM is 128 MB.

Of course, any hardware- or configuration- specific settings won't transfer from computer to computer. For instance, network settings will probably be different on different computers, even on the same network. However, Puppy's various configuration wizards work well, at least for me, and are easy to use.

Fortunately, it won't cost you much to try it and see if it works for you. :)

Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2005, 00:35
by nduanetesh

It sounds like you're asking, "if I create an MS Puppy disk on one computer, can I then run it on a different computer?" If that's the question, then the answer should be "yes, no problem." When you first burn your MS puppy disk, you've just got a plain old puppy disk with no config info or anything like that. firing it up is like starting up a normal puppy CD on a computer with no pup001 file.

Where you might run into problems is if you fire up your MS puppy CD on one computer, use it a bit, shut down (saving the session) and then fire it up on another computer. your old configuration from the first computer will be on the disk, so you might run into some minor problems (such as flash mentioned above, network setting). I'm thinking the biggest problem you might hit would be if one computer has a USB mouse and the other a serial mouse, or something of that nature. most of the issues you see shouldn't be major, though, and should easily be remedied by the puppy setup wizards.

good luck.


Multi session multi computers

Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2005, 14:24
by Scott0
Flash and Nd,

Thanks for the info. Sounds promising. I will now continue working to get my first CD burn to work right. The question came up because I have had problems burning a CD, leaving the session open but a different burner on another box could not continue to add information to the CD. Only the original program on the original machine could add data. I want to burn 8 to 10 copies of the ISO with my burner and then hand the copies to 8 to 12 people to use on their (probably only one) box. If this works I can get an average of 50 people a year to try and possibly switch to Linux. We have got to make it as easy as possible for people to try Linux.

Thanks for the help,


Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2005, 20:42
by Flash
There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding and confusion of terms around multisession Puppy. For instance, it's not clear what settings (TAO, DAO, etc.) to use when burning the original Puppy disk from iso when you want to make a multisession Puppy disk. When I have the time I plan to try every combination, using a CD-RW. If I hit on a combination that works I'll post it. :?

Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2005, 01:09
by nduanetesh
You know, if you're trying to win converts, maybe MS puppy isn't the right choice. As you're experiencing (and this forum evidences), MS can be a naughty puppy (can't believe I just said that), and can be difficult to get working correctly. There are quite a few people who have reported not being able to boot their CD after the second session is added, and some seem to be experiencing a problem where they can't burn a second track at all. (I've had that problem, but that is the subject of another post.) If folks have trouble booting the disk after using it only once, and have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it working again, I think you'll accomplish exactly the opposite of what you intend. Also, when you hand out MS puppy disks, you've got to remind folks to choose boot option 5 at the boot screen (Which doesn't even list option 5) many people are going to remember that? I think you'd be much better off to burn and hand out regular puppy CDs. Folks will have the option of saving their settings to a pup001 file, or if they're super paranoid about thier info, not having a pup file at all. And since the disk is not changed from boot to boot, if it boots correctly once, it will boot correctly every time.

Just my 2 cents worth (that's 2.67 cents for you Aussies).


Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2005, 05:37
by Lobster
I still have the first MS CD-RW from when it was first available and the first thing I did was try and save on and from another machine - and it worked.

That impressed me. However this is very much a test project Not sure how it has moved along but it is not something I would expect to be reliable. Or is it now?

I have taught and been taught on micky mouse, flaky, out-moded and innapropriate environments, it makes it very difficult . . .

So I agree, conversion requires something that works to convert to . . .
from what I remember (looking at the projects link at - I think it is) we are still awaiting a bit of C code or a C coder?

Is that right?
