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Unofficial spanish langpack for Puppy 2.11 and 2.12

Posted: Mon 20 Nov 2006, 11:48
by wow

1. Hacer una copia de respaldo de pup_save.3fs. 1a 1b 1c
2. Copia el sfs "UnofficialLangPack-es_211.sfs"(16 MB) en la misma carpeta que el archivo pup_save.3fs. Para puppy 2.12 renombra el .sfs a <algo>_212.sfs
3. Arranca con Puppy instala el dotpup "Unofficial-langpack-es-211.pup"(907 KB)/"Unofficial-langpack-es-212.pup"(913 KB), espera unos segundos hasta que aparezca la ventana chooselocale, elige tu país ypresiona OK para reiniciar X.

Paso 1(crear la copia de respaldo) es opcional pero recomendable.
Este paquete solo funciona si tienes un archivo pup_save, no sirve si arrancas puppy en modo ram o si es la primera vez que inicias puppy. Eso es todo 8)


La lista completa de los cambios hechos por este paquete está en los archivos "Unofficial-langpack-es-211.txt"/"Unofficial-langpack-es-212.txt"(disponibles en los sitios de descarga). Como una breve descripción puedo decir la exploración con ROX-filer/puppyROX es como en MS Windows (doble click para abrir, simple click para seleccionar, F3 para buscar, F2 para renombrar, etc), además debo aclarar que no es algo al 100% pero ayuda un poco :wink:



1. Make a backup of pup_save.3fs. 1a 1b 1c
2. Copy the UnofficialLangPack-es_211.sfs(16 MB) in the same dir as your pup_save file. For puppy 2.12 rename UnofficialLangPack-es_211.sfs to UnofficialLangPack-es_212.sfs or <whatever>_212.sfs
3. Boot puppy and install Unofficial-langpack-es-211.pup(907 KB)/Unofficial-langpack-es-212.pup(913KB), wait until chooselocale window appears, choose your country and press OK to restart X

Step 1 (backup) is optional but recomended.
You'll need a pup_save file for test this, doesn't work in ram or first boot from the live-CD. That's all 8)


Re: Unofficial language package 'es' for Puppy 2.11

Posted: Mon 20 Nov 2006, 16:15
by dewdrop
wow wrote:Yes, I know, it's too late for this but with the release of Puppy 2.12 I've to decided either make this for 2.12(and not upload my progress) or upload it for testers. So here is it:
Hi wow,

I didn't have a copy of Puppy 2.11 on hand, so I used 2.12 final. Some of the icons didn't work (Example: Internet, email) but the Menu items seem to be translated. This is a very good start to get Puppy into the hands of native Spanish speakers.

The selector for which version of Spanish to select didn't appear when I did the pupget install, so I'm guessing that it has something to do with using version 2.12 of Puppy.

Here's a screenshot of what my desktop looked like.

Testers should be sure to have enough RAM before installing the language pack....note I have 1.1G of space on my system... I requested that the first time I saved Puppy 2.12.


Edit on 11-29 to delete the screenshot.....

Re: Unofficial language package 'es' for Puppy 2.11

Posted: Tue 21 Nov 2006, 00:30
by wow
dewdrop wrote:Testers should be sure to have enough RAM before installing the language pack....note I have 1.1G of space on my system... I requested that the first time I saved Puppy 2.12.
Did you try this in ram only? It works as well all others sfs addons, and don't work in ram, it needs a normal startup.
dewdrop wrote:Some of the icons didn't work (Example: Internet, email)
If you startup Puppy in ram mode or is your first boot from the CD the UnofficialLangPack-es_211.sfs addon was not loaded. Seamonkey 1.0.5(navigator, composer, etc) is on the sfs and if it isn't loaded the deskop icons can't start the new Seamonkey apps. (see step 2)

I've tried this with puppy-2.12 and works, but some scripts are overwritten with older versions(puppy-2.11). Complete list of changes are in the file: Unofficial-langpack-es-211.txt, available in the download sites.

Unofficial language package 'es' for Puppy 2.11

Posted: Tue 21 Nov 2006, 02:03
by dewdrop
Hi wow,

I downloaded Puppy 2.11. Then I went thru the normal procedure to get 2.11 up and operating... I selected the biggest amount of space for the pup_save.3fs file - 1.1G. This was to ensure I had enough space for other programs I wish to install opera, firefox, etc.

I expect to download/install the spanish language versions of the additional programs I would like to add....

......a suggestion, as a project for one of the Spanish speakers, make some .pup or sfs packages for the installation of the Spanish versions of programs like opera, firefox, OpenOffice 2.0, etc. That way, as newer versions of Puppy come up, it would allow for a very easy upgrade path for the Spanish versions of commonly used programs.

Thanks for your work getting Puppy into Spanish.


Posted: Tue 21 Nov 2006, 02:55
by wow
You can download these files from
It's still in progress and if you have more files please upload them.
dewdrop wrote:I selected the biggest amount of space for the pup_save.3fs file - 1.1G.
:shock: I've always used small save files :roll:
my current save file has 128MB and is for Puppy-1.09CE(I love this version) if I need some extras apps(lgames, vmware, kde, etc.) I make my own sfs's and later I make a big one(sometimes puppy doesn't boot with many sfs's mounted). :wink:

Posted: Wed 22 Nov 2006, 20:54
by wow
The next version of this unofficial langpack for puppy 2.12 is ready, it's almost the same, but updated for 2.12. I need to do some preliminar tests and upload it, maybe in 1 or 1.5 hours.

Posted: Wed 22 Nov 2006, 23:11
by wow
I have the spanish files for OpenOffice 2.0.4(15MB compressed size) and KDE 3.5.5(36MB compressed size). But I don't know if I should upload them as .sfs or .pup. Any suggestion?

Posted: Tue 28 Nov 2006, 02:12
by wow
It also works with IceWM and XFCE using jwm2icewm-menu or jwm2xfce-menu. But you'll need to do an extra step for IceWM:

- Open /root/.jwmrc with leafpad and then save the file(Shift+Ctrl+S) with "Character coding:ISO-8859-1" (doing this jwm and xfce will have wrong menus)
- Open /root/.icewm/menu with leafpad and then save the file(Shift+Ctrl+S) with "Character coding:ISO-8859-1"(with this only IceWM is affected)

If you don't do that the menu will have strange characters. For xfce just restore the file to "Character coding" UTF-8


Xfce with xfce locales:

Posted: Tue 28 Nov 2006, 14:39
by dewdrop
wow wrote:I have the spanish files for OpenOffice 2.0.4(15MB compressed size) and KDE 3.5.5(36MB compressed size). But I don't know if I should upload them as .sfs or .pup. Any suggestion?
Hi wow,

I just noticed this post, and wonder if you could have a look at the version called - Puppy Linux Professional. It is quite large, but it is very feature rich, and would benefit many if it were in Spanish...... it has OO and a few other things useful to many people.


Spanish downloads

Posted: Wed 29 Nov 2006, 01:53
by wow