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Multiple languages for Puppy; i18n ideas ...

Posted: Mon 25 Jul 2005, 14:23
by doopdoop
Another user from El Salvador wanted to make a Spanish translation and maybe it is a good idea to discuss a few things before doing it

There are a few decisions to make:

1) One version with multiple languages, or multiple versions?
I am strongly in favour of the first alternative, as it reduces maintainance and give flexibility to the enduser. I think it is worth the few extra KBs.
Another consideration is the possibility of installing language packs via PupGet.
2) "Standard" ways of i18n or custom solutions ?
For shell scripts, gettext seems the way to go. It's an 8kb executable on my Ubuntu. This should be fairly easy to include.
I am not an C library expert. Is gettext() included in the puppy version of libc ?
For the menu system: multiple config files versions or automatic menu generation ?
The first one is simple to implement, but harder to maintain when there are multiple window managers and languages.
I like the "menu" package from Debian (, but it depends on libstdc++ (can we circumvent that ?) and is not that small.
Do you know alternatives from other (mini) distributions ?

UTF-8 !

Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2005, 04:05
by Hacao
Hi !

I thinh that, Puppy very well know if supported UTF-8 !


German translation

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2005, 10:42
by umwelteinsatz
I have no idea how to do translations of Puppy, but I can help if somebody knowledgable wants to do a German translation.


Re: German translation

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2005, 11:30
by Lobster
Miene Liebe Damen und Herring

Dis ist das URL fur diese Deutch Friende oft der kliene hunde

I think I said:
My Dear Ladies and Gentle Herrings,
This is the page for the German friends of the little Dog
Let us hope so . . . some of the best OS developers are German
Knoppix and Kanotix come to mind ... 2033627671

How are we gonna translate into Vietnamese? Barry has mentioned an interest in making Puppy available for other languages (I feel this is a good plan) even though English is the main - internet language

OK gonna have a go at translating into Japanese (using Babelfish or similar) as a first step - then maybe Cantonese . . . then Arabic and Hebrew . . .

How to make Vietnamese Puppy ?

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2005, 04:01
by Hacao
Hi !

How are we gonna translate into Vietnamese? (Lobster)

I thinks that, gonna translate into Vietnamese, you must finish such as :

1. Supported locale UTF-8 (only en_US.UTF-8 or vi_VN.UTF-8).
We are processing ! (not finish yet !) :) --> not yet OK !

If not Supported locale UTF-8 then not install software typing Vietnamese!

2. Show Vietnamese font --> OK !

3. Translations to Vietnamese ! --> many people using Vietnamese will help us ! I know a org support translate into Vietnamese ! --> OK


I thinks that, Puppy need supported locale UTF-8 first !


Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2005, 04:36
by Flash
Have you guys read this thread yet?

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2005, 04:55
by Guest