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Write on Pup

Posted: Sun 15 May 2005, 03:11
by Lobster
Here on Wikipedia (biggest knowledge base in the world wide wonderland)

It says:
This article needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality.
See How to Edit and Style and How-to for help, or this article's talk page. Remove this message when done.

Well I did my best but if you have a browser and the inclination go clean
go make Puppy proud - then boast about it

You may get a rosette

Posted: Sun 15 May 2005, 11:51
by Ian
I had a quick look Lobster, I think I'll look at some of their other pages before I make any suggestions.

Posted: Sun 15 May 2005, 16:54
by JaDy
Hey Lobster:
Thanks for the plug "run Puppy from within Windows" on Wikipedia however that's not perfectly accurate. My PupWin98 "launches" Puppy from within Windows but does not "run" Puppy from within Windows. Furthermore, it should be noted it's for Windows 98 only, although I am working on Win95 and WinXP versions, which will be the same: launch from but not run within.

Launch Puppy from, versus run it within, Windows

Posted: Sun 15 May 2005, 17:23
by Flash
It seems to me that "run Puppy from within Windows" implies you can continue to run Windows applications while running Puppy. "Launch Puppy from within Windows" is a more ambiguous term; can you still run Windows apps? Do you have to reboot to get back to Windows? (Not that anyone would want to get back to Windows :wink: )

Posted: Sun 15 May 2005, 23:26
by JaDy
Yes, reboot to get back to Windows.

Win98SE has a facility in the desktop shortcuts for rebooting to MS-DOS mode with custom autoexec.bat and config.sys specifications and then run the shortcut's bat program. Kind of like a secret bat-cave exit.