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How to install Puppy to HD, share external HD on network?

Posted: Mon 22 Jan 2007, 19:34
by Andrej74

first let me describe the situation. I know computers... been there - done that (from w95 to wXP). Now I got a really old macine (P-II 233, 128MB, 6GB HDD) and tought why not use it for email and P2P - this is the only tasks I do daily.

So I looked around and found DSM and PUPPY; I decided for Puppy because of nicer look and feel. So I wanted to install it to HDD. I partioned the HDD, installed it to HDD and it does not want to load from HDD. Can please somebody explain hot to install Puppy to a fresh (unpartitoned) HDD?

The 2nd question is how to work P2P... Ok, I will decide which program, but all download will go to external HDD and I want to share entire HDD. How to share ext. HDD/location to be seen from Windows (i presume it will be FAT32)?

Tnx in advance!


Posted: Mon 22 Jan 2007, 19:45
by Ian
Could you please list the steps you took to install Puppy and what version you are using.

Re: Newbie - windows share, P2P, setup, install

Posted: Mon 22 Jan 2007, 21:41
by rarsa
Andrej74 wrote:Can please somebody explain hot to install Puppy to a fresh (unpartitoned) HDD?
Here is what I do with a similar computer dedicating it 100% for puppy:

1. Boot from the liveCD
2. With Gparted create an ext3 partition and a swap partition maybe 250 MB
3. Copy the following files from the CD to the main folder of that partition: zdfv_213.sfs. pup_213.sfs
4. Create a folder called /boot
5. Copy the following files from the /boot folder: vmlinuz, initrd.gz
6. Create a folder called /boot/grub
7. Copy all the files from /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc to the /boot/grub folder
8. Create a file called /boot/grub/grub.conf with a contents similar to the following

Code: Select all

title Puppy
  root (hd0,0)
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PHOME=hda1 acpi=force
  initrd /boot/initrd.gz
9. exit from the liveCD. It will ask if you want to save your session. Say yes and save to the same partition where you copied the CD files.
The 2nd question is how to work P2P...
I also installed Java and Limewire. It works great under Puppy.
How to share ext. HDD/location to be seen from Windows
There are many different ways. Here is a How-To I created long time ago. Read it along with the responses from the people that provided additional tips. ... 845&t=2163

Posted: Tue 23 Jan 2007, 18:43
by Andrej74
Hi rasa... I did all the steps from 1..9 but i just cant boot from HDD.

1) When I leave the LiveCd in the drive it goes smoothly, but
2) the second I remove the LiveCD and reboot I got nothing

Is "copying" GRUB enough?!

Posted: Tue 23 Jan 2007, 18:51
by rarsa
Ooops. missed that last step. I am truly sorry

1. Open an rxvt console
2. execute the grub command. That will show you the grub prompt
3. Execute the following commands when you see the grub> prompt:

Code: Select all

root (hd0,0) 
setup (hd0)
That's it.

I actually should have pointed you to this more detailed post: ... 2013#50643

Posted: Wed 24 Jan 2007, 18:09
by Andrej74
rasa TNX !

I looked at your other post and combined the two ;-)
I created extended + logical partition => hda5
used a "ln -s" line.

Now it works!!!