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Lobster approaces the 1000th mark

Posted: Thu 04 Aug 2005, 06:39
by Stokey
At Lobsters current rate of just over 8 posts per day in about 30 days time
Lobster will be the first to "claw" his way in acheiving 1000 posts to the Puppy forum It will be a truly memorable occasion On that occasion the Puppy regulars should arrange a Virtual party on the forum and in the good old Aussie tradition throw Lobster on the "Barbie" (ah... peace at last)
I often wonder if Lobster has had a Lobstobotmy i.e. The cutting into or across a lobe of the claw to alter the claw function especially in the treatment of claw disorders ( I beleive it has to be the claw because no brain can be found!)
Most Aussies (except from Western Australia) have had a Aussiebotomy to cure a condition called "As thick as two planks"... especialy those from Queensland
All the above tongue in cheek (apart from the bit about the Aussies) looking forward to Lobsters 1000th post it will be a gem as usual
Finally I would lke to see a book published of all Lobsters 1000 posts
mybe it could be titled "The little read book of Lobster"

Posted: Thu 04 Aug 2005, 06:50
by Guest
Most Aussies (except from Western Australia) have had a Aussiebotomy to cure a condition called "As thick as two planks"... especialy those from Queensland

Whereas, and I have this from a reliable source, most of those from WA are those that are born to scary to be considered all right from their native Tasmania......

I belive I heard the term webbed knees :D

How do you riase the IQ of WA'er ?

Youn can't anymore we've run out of chairs......

Posted: Thu 04 Aug 2005, 08:02
by Lobster

You guys . . . [Lobster wipes away a salty tear . . .]

Well I am sure some readers believe I need a brain implant rather than removal . . .

Being verbal and fun is my way of enhancing Puppy. However many others are beavering away digging up precious bones (must be some sort of dog-beaver hybrid). For example Flash keeps this forum tidy in a way that is seamless to most users (bravo - seamless is good) but requires a load of work. He also gets to read up on Puppy and therefore a win-win situation.

Bladehunter our tempramental Puppy helps us ingraites with problems so tricky I can barely follow the problem let alone the solution . . .

Who creates the Dotpups we enjoy? Who creates our submarine? Eh yes we really do have a Puppy submarine . . . check out the Wiki news for August 2005. Who gives out Puppy at Hollywood parties? Or uses it on Mount Everest? Yep these all happen. Did you know that Puppy is the official basis for Open Source time travel (Ok that is my project)?



Posted: Thu 04 Aug 2005, 08:06
by klhrevolutionist
Well, this is great news!!! Lobster has been a great dinner ahem...
Help, yes help, Is he the first to reach this milestone or the last one of his
kind to migrate??? Poor lobby ketchup!! no no butter!!!

Dummies and Prawns

Posted: Thu 04 Aug 2005, 08:35
by Stokey
Hey Bladehunter I have a brother in Queensland and I send him new Dummies every Christmas you know why....... He keeps spitting the old ones out !

And lets hope Lobsters Lobstobotmy hasn't turned him into a "PRAWN"

Good humour never hurt anyone eh !

Posted: Thu 04 Aug 2005, 21:42
by Pizzasgood
I think it might be in my best interests to avoid that party. Besides, I don't like seafood. :wink: But you know what? Lobster doesn't really have 747 post right now. You see, there were two forums before this one, so he has more than that. Just like the millenium and Sonic issue 100 (there was a four issue miniseries before it became a series).

Additions to the Menu

Posted: Fri 05 Aug 2005, 01:52
by Stokey
Re: Lobster
Thanks for that info Pizzasgood Lobsters certainly no "Hedgehog"

In my neck of the woods I'm surronded by Windows XP fanatics

Lobster and Pizza on the Menu now that would give the Windows crowd (Puppy Linux) indigestion

with a sermon by klhrevolutionist thrown in for good measure

It's going to be s o m e Barbie it could not get any better..YIPEE!!