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Creating a Dotpup for Thingamablog

Posted: Sun 07 Aug 2005, 23:31
by edoc
Thought I should torture myself and try to create a dotpup for thingamablog.
Can someone look over the following and correct me in the probable multiple places I am wrong, please?

I created a folder in which I then created a and a

The text of dotpup is below. Do I also need to start with an empty md4sum.txt file?

To create the thingamablog.pup package which will contain the md5sum.txt and files I need to run

Code: Select all

md5sum > md5sum.txt
rm -f thingamablog.pup
zip -9 thingamablog.pup md5sum.txt?
The should contain the following:

Code: Select all


MSG="`which gxmessage`" || MSG=xmessage

if ! md5sum -c md5sum.txt


$MSG -geometry 640x160 -center -title "thingamablog Installer" "MD5SUM ERROR: thingamablog has NOT been installed"

exit 1



[ -d $FOO ] || mkdir $FOO

if [ -d "$FOO/thingamablog" ];then

$MSG -buttons "UnInstall:21,ReInstall:22,Quit" -geometry 640x160 -center -title "thingamablog Installer" "$FOO/thingamablog is already installed"

case $? in


rm -rf "$FOO/thingamablog"

$MSG -geometry 640x160 -center -title "thingamablog Installer" "thingamablog has been uninstalled"



22) true ;;

*) exit ;;



rm -rf $FOO/thingamablog/

mv tkapps/ $FOO/thingamablog/

rox $FOO &

$MSG -geometry 640x160 -center -title "thingamablog Installer" "thingamablog has been installed"

just saying GREAT!

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 06:05
by klhrevolutionist
I seen this post and had to look at this thingamablog it looks great!
even though I'm not a blogger, speaking of which what exactly is a blog?
I'm clueless?

Wish I new more about bash or I would help you, in a way I am helping
but I won't tell how!!!

But to all puppy bloggers help this pup bloggers will enjoy it!!!!

Re: just saying GREAT!

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 13:23
by edoc
klhrevolutionist wrote:I seen this post and had to look at this thingamablog it looks great!
even though I'm not a blogger, speaking of which what exactly is a blog?
I'm clueless?
Blog is an abbreviation from weblog. It is a cross between a Web page and a chat room, or so I like to characterize it. I just wrote an article about blogs for a homeschool publication and am completing one for an online computing magazine.

My hope is to demonstrate Thingamablog together with Puppy so that all of their readers will become familiar with both.

Once I get it working then I will have my 8 & 10yr olds do so as well.

Tnx! doc

Re: Creating a Dotpup for Thingamablog

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 14:09
by Lobster
You are using a dot pup to to compress and load a zip file
A dotpup is a zip file. What you need to to look at is the individual files and where they go, using the unzipped series of files and allowing dotpup to compress / zip them


The Md5sum.txt is created each time you run the make file (which is worth creating - this is a file called everytime this is run it deletes the old dotpup and creates a new one - I would suggest (it worked for me) creating a simple one or two file dotpup - understand the structure and then come back to this endeavour - the simple dot pup once understood becomes the template for the new one. The process is quite simple (yes it takes a little time but it is worth it)

Go though this example and make sure you have all the required components - your looks OK

Hope this is correct and makes sense - Hey I am only on my 3rd dotpup . . .


Good luck

Re: Creating a Dotpup for Thingamablog

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 05:21
by edoc
I posted this in another thread but thought it wise to add it here so that the thingamablog thread is more complete ... just in case anyone other than me has an interest in it's potential success! ;-)

Nathan F wrote:
I have made a couple of dotpups that add menu entries automatically.

I tried to use the code from your Dillo dotpup building better dotpups from 08Jun2005 to create a thingamablog dotpup as follows:


# installs thingamablog and registers with pupget
# dotpup made August 2005 by David Colburn using code by Nathan Fisher

# this script automatically runs after the dotpup file is unzipped
# it can rm, mv, cp files and dirs
# it can ln or rm symlinks
# it can run programs

# unzip the files using absolute paths
# paths relative to $HOME might be better

tar -xzP --no-same-owner -f dotpup.tar.gz

# registering with pupget
# dillo_patched.files & dillo_patched.keyword are included in tarball

# I commented out the next two lines because I didn't understand what it was doing!

# echo '"dillo_patched" "dillo_patched: extended version of dillo" on "extended version of dillo" \' >> /root/.packages/alienpackages.txt
# sleep 1

# this part of the script will register thingamablog in the fvwm95, jwm, and icewm menus

### register in the fvwm95 menu
# entry is placed just above smm
if [ -f $FVWM95RC ] ; then
# this option is used to prevent the entry from going in more than once
grep "/usr/local/bin/thingamablog" $FVWM95RC
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ;then
cp -f $FVWM95RC /tmp/DOTfvwm95.thingamablog.backup
EDITTEXT="s/^\(.\+Exec smm\)/+ \"thingamablog javablogapp%thingamablog.xpm%\" Exec exec \/usr\/local\/bin\/thingamablog\n\1/"
sed -e "$EDITTEXT" $FVWM95RC >/tmp/thingamabloginstall.tmp
mv -f /tmp/thingamabloginstall.tmp $FVWM95RC
sleep 1

### register in the jwm menu
# entry is just above smm
if [ -f $JWMRC ] ; then
# this option is used to prevent the entry from going in more than once
grep "/usr/loca/bin/thingamablog" $JWMRC
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ;then
cp -f $JWMRC /tmp/DOTjwm.thingamablog.backup
EDITTEXT="s/^\(.\+Program label=\"SMM email prefilter.\+$\)/<Program label=\"thingamablog javablogapp\" icon=\"thingamablog.xpm\">exec \/usr\/local\/bin\/thingamablog<\/Program>\n\1/"
sed -e "$EDITTEXT" $JWMRC >/tmp/thingamabloginstall.tmp
mv -f /tmp/thingamabloginstall.tmp $JWMRC
sleep 1

### register in the icewm menu
# entered just above smm
if [ -f $ICEWMMENU ] ; then
# this option is used to prevent the entry from going in more than once
grep "/usr/local/bin/thingamablog" $ICEWMMENU
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ;then
cp -f $ICEWMMENU /tmp/icewmmenu.thingamablog.backup
EDITTEXT="s/^\(.\+prog \"SMM email prefilter.\+$\)/\tprog \"thingamablog javablogapp\" thingamablog \/usr\/local\/bin\/thingamablog\n\1/"
sed -e "$EDITTEXT" $ICEWMMENU >/tmp/thingamabloginstall.tmp
mv -f /tmp/thingamabloginstall.tmp $ICEWMMENU

# opening thingamablog


Then in rxtv I performed the following steps:

# cd /root/thing
# ls thingamablog-1.0.2
# cd thingamablog-1.0.2
# ls
README.txt lib templates
dictionaries license.txt thingamablog.jar
# md5sum *.* > md5sum.txt
# rm -f thingamablog.pup
# zip -9 thingamablog.pup *.* md5sum.txt
updating: (deflated 65%)
updating: README.txt (deflated 48%)
updating: license.txt (deflated 62%)
updating: md5sum.txt (deflated 33%)
updating: thingamablog.jar (deflated 12%)

I then opened rox went to ~/thing/thingamablog-1.0.2 and clicked on thingamablog.pup and ran it.

Nothing seems to have happened that I can identify and there were no error messages.

What hath I wrought?

Thanks! doc

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 05:43
by Walt H
edoc wrote:updating: thingamablog.jar (deflated 12%)
Seeing this line raises one possibility. Do you have Java installed? Since this is a .jar file, I think that thingamablog requires Java in order to run. If you don't have Java installed, clicking on the program won't run it.
edoc wrote:I then opened rox went to ~/thing/thingamablog-1.0.2 and clicked on thingamablog.pup and ran it.

Nothing seems to have happened that I can identify and there were no error messages.
On the other hand, this could simply mean that the program installed just fine and is ready to run. :)

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 17:06
by edoc
Walt H wrote: Do you have Java installed?
Walt H wrote:On the other hand, this could simply mean that the program installed just fine and is ready to run. :)
I went to run it and it asked for a Run Action so I dragged the javaws off my desktop on to it.

Java Loading initiates then fails

"Java Web Start - Launch File Error. Unable to launch the specified application."

When I click on Details to learn more the Java apps just disappears and provides no details.

Any chance someone could run the code I posted and try this on their PC?

Also, how do folks post new pups to the forum? I have seen the nice horizontal boxes with the dotpup link they use. Is it just some html code I need to snag and modify? (For use once I get thingamablog working!)


Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 17:36
by edoc
edoc wrote:
Walt H wrote: Do you have Java installed?
Java seems to be behaving badly. When I opened it the first time the Java box opened up and had a toolbar across the top, I closed it and reopened it and now the toolbar is off the top of the screen and I cannot get at it and cannot find a way to kill it except via a reboot. ;-(

At the bottom of the renegade box it says "User cache empty" and System cache is not configured".

?? doc

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 04:53
by Walt H
edoc wrote:Also, how do folks post new pups to the forum? I have seen the nice horizontal boxes with the dotpup link they use. Is it just some html code I need to snag and modify? (For use once I get thingamablog working!)
If you're talking about the boxes inside some forum messages where people either have images or files to download, I think you simply upload an attachment and put something in the File Comment box, both of which are done in the 'Add an Attachment' section below where messages are written.
edoc wrote:Java seems to be behaving badly. . . .
Could the download have been corrupted somehow? I'm sorry, I'm not a lot of help in this area. :(


Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 10:27
by klhrevolutionist
okay how to install thingamablog!!!

1. Have java installed!!!
2. open the folder named thingamablog-1.0.2-0.noarch
3. open opt folder
4. place the folder named thingamablog-1.0.2 in /opt
5. go back and follow steps 2 & 3
6. now rename the folder named thingamablog-1.0.2 to .thingamablog and place in root
7. go back and follow step 2
8. now open usr
9. open the folder named bin
10. place file named thingamablog into /usr/bin/
11. go back and follow steps 2 & 8
12. now open /root/my-applications/bin/
13. right click in an open space and create new script named thingamablog
14. right click newly made script and open as text
15. now under #!/bin/sh type as follows
cd /root/.thingamablog/
java -jar thingamablog.jar
16. now go to file and save as thingamablog
17. now click on the script named thingamablog and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

You can actually bypass, a couple steps but I made sure it would work
You can actually skip step 6. and for step 15. put #!/bin/sh
cd /opt/thingamablog-1.0.2
java -jar thingamablog.jar
and continue following the steps!!!
You can drag the newly created script to the desktop for a shortcut!!!!

Re: instructiones

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 16:40
by edoc
klhrevolutionist wrote:okay how to install thingamablog!!!
YOU are the Puppy Prodigy! Thanks!

I am going to try to go through your instructions and add greater detail, especially the "why" of each step.

I need to understand it better and am certain that others would like to as well.

Perhaps it should be added to the Wiki?

Now, on to a solution to my Buffalo G54 wireless pcmcia nic, and then to a Puppy-resident Bible study app.


Re: instructiones

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 17:53
by edoc
klhrevolutionist wrote: okay how to install thingamablog!!!
NOTE 1: I am writing from a HDD install, not a CD, USB, CF Card, or other portable install. Instructions will likely vary for those installs.

NOTE 2: Please advise if I have missed any minor explanations for generic non-geek "Aunt Maude" or if I have added confusion.

NOTE 3: Please add comments that help the user to understand what is happening when they do what they do.
klhrevolutionist wrote:1. Have java installed!!!
Go to:
Click on Puppy Master GuestToo's DOTPUPS
Scroll down to Java
Click on Sun Java 1.5.0_4 (or whatever the latest version is) and follow the instructions. Accept the default settings.
klhrevolutionist wrote: 2. open the folder named thingamablog-1.0.2-0.noarch
First download the Linux version of thingamablog from:
Write down where it was saved.
Click on rox on the desktop and go to the location you wrote down.
klhrevolutionist wrote:3. open opt folder
Click on rox on the desktop and go up one level by clicking the up arrow on the left side of the toolbar.
If an opt folder does not exist (it did not on my install) then right click on a empty spot in the window, slide down to New, and select Directory, and then type in opt and click OK.
Now back in the rox window click to open the new empty opt folder.
klhrevolutionist wrote:4. place the folder named thingamablog-1.0.2 in /opt
Drag and drop.
klhrevolutionist wrote:5. go back and follow steps 2 & 3
klhrevolutionist wrote:6. now rename the folder named thingamablog-1.0.2 to .thingamablog and place in root
Right click on the folder and slide to the right hand menu and down to the Rename selection. Type thingamablog and click OK.

The renamed folder will be hidden and you will be unable to see it unless you click on the Show/hide hidden files icon on the toolbar that looks like a box of x's with two dots.
klhrevolutionist wrote:7. go back and follow step 2

8. now open usr
Again using rox the usr folder is in the same folder as opt (where you end up if you click the up arrow icon on the toolbar until it stops)
klhrevolutionist wrote:9. open the folder named bin

10. place file named thingamablog into /usr/bin/
Drag and drop.
klhrevolutionist wrote:11. go back and follow steps 2 & 8

12. now open /root/my-applications/bin/
Again using rox.
klhrevolutionist wrote:13. right click in an open space and create new script named thingamablog

14. right click newly made script and open as text

15. now under #!/bin/sh type as follows
cd /root/.thingamablog/
java -jar thingamablog.jar
Don't forget the "." in front of thingamablog in the first line!
klhrevolutionist wrote:16. now go to file and save as thingamablog
I think a simple Save works here. If you use Save As it will ask to overwrite, say Yes.
klhrevolutionist wrote:17. now click on the script named thingamablog and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

You can actually bypass, a couple steps but I made sure it would work
You can actually skip step 6. and for step 15. put #!/bin/sh
cd /opt/thingamablog-1.0.2
java -jar thingamablog.jar
and continue following the steps!!!
You can drag the newly created script to the desktop for a shortcut!!!!
Hope that is helpful to others! doc


Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 19:45
by klhrevolutionist
I forgot one thing!!!

When you download thingamablog
it appears you have not downloaded it correctly.
But don't worry about that just follow my steps and all will go well.

Re: forgotten

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 20:08
by edoc
klhrevolutionist wrote:I forgot one thing!!!
When you download thingamablog
it appears you have not downloaded it correctly.
But don't worry about that just follow my steps and all will go well.
So, how do we get this into the Wiki so others may benefit from it more readily than plowing through the forum?
