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Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 21:04
by dougtheslug
that was my reason for chrooting , so I could run damnsmall-aplications while running puppy (without rebooting) I can un-chroot if I'm not running X.
I gess I could start the ssh server from the comand line while chrooted and then ssh from puppy into dsl using the loop back adress and run individual applications .
I'll try that tonight and let you know how it goes .
unless someone else has already tried that and wants to give me some insight.
thanks in advance.


Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 23:04
by dougtheslug
well my fellow puppians ssh into damnsmall on the ame pc worked even with X apps. and this opens a whole new set of possibilities.
I can install 2 different distros in the same computer and have students explore all the posibilities that linux offers and make them feel at home while doing so.

Posted: Wed 10 Aug 2005, 00:40
by BarryK
Okay, you ran X apps in dsl...
did you only do "chroot"? Nothing else?
...if so, that's interesting.

Posted: Wed 10 Aug 2005, 00:47
by doopdoop
Actually, it should not be a real problem. X-Windows is designed to run run remote applications, it just defines a minimal set of calls for applications, so there there should not be more problems than running console apps. Necessary librariers are seached for in the chrooted environment. The only problems I can think are with conflicts with the loaded kernel and the /proc and /sys filesystems.


Posted: Wed 10 Aug 2005, 02:08
by dougtheslug
I was able to start damnsmalllinux Xserver once I chrooted into it , but only as root and I could not get back to puppy by typing exit or ctrl+D or any other combination Damnsmalllinux took over the complete screen : if I ctrl+alt+bkspc my screen would go black ,"BLACK" not blank and I had no choice but to hard reboot;
So I thought I could start damnsmalllinux SSH server once chrooted into it ; open a new shell in puppy and ssh into damnsmall as regular user using the loopback adress, and it worked I could run any Xapp native to Damnsmall and exit the SSH server when done , go back to puppy without rebooting .
I wander if I could do the same with another distro I'll try with KNOPPIX or UBUNTU and see what happends .
If it works I am thinking I could set up a demo PC where user can try any distro without leaving PUPPY .
PS I could not start puppys sshd server from damnsmall I believe the mesage was PRNG not seeded . Does anybody know why .