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Selecting working folder

Posted: Sun 25 Mar 2007, 11:04
by Scoticus
So far I am not following the instructions correctly as I can not seem to be able to select a folder by the date / time saved.

I tried pfix=11 thinking that everything from the first save would be discounted only to find the reverse. Using pfix=1 ignored the last save and loaded all the other folders.

I am still messing about attempting to hone my skills with Puppy and to set up things to my satisfaction. Assuming that I feel that my last two saved sessions are not to my liking and I wish to go back to another session what is the easiest way to go back.

It also appears to me that the more sessions saved the less RAM I seem to have as free memory. Is this correct ?


Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2007, 03:44
by Flash
If you're just trying to skip the last <n> number of saved sessions when you boot, I think you just put the number. For instance,

Code: Select all

puppy pfix=2
will ignore the last two saved sessions. Assuming you save that session, Puppy will ignore those two sessions from then on. As far as I know, there is no way to pick out a single session, other than the last session, to skip. It would be nice to know how to edit the file where that information is saved.

You can still browse through those sessions on the DVD even though Puppy ignores them at boot. Just mount the DVD with MUT. Every saved session shows as a folder, labeled with the date and time it was saved. Click on a session, and you're looking at the folders (directories) containing the files that were saved from that session.

As to your question about your RAM filling up as the number of sessions increases, that's been my experience too, when I used SeaMonkey's email client. I reckoned it was because all of the email folders are loaded into RAM at each boot. It is my understanding that when you delete an email it is not really gone but is retained in a hidden folder someplace in SeaMonkey, or Thunderbird if that's your email client, which is also, uselessly, loaded into RAM at each boot (it should be in Puppy's Archive folder.) Naturally, it gets larger and larger with spam you thought you'd deleted. This is just unfortunately the way email programs work. I switched to Yahoo for all my email. Now I don't have to save every session, and my RAM doesn't seem to be filling up. (I also bought a lot of RAM. It doesn't use much power or wear out. :D )

Menu -> Filesystem -> Gdmap gives a graphical view of / (the entire filesystem) which could be very useful - if I could figure out what it's telling me. :lol:
To view /, click the "Open" button (upper left of Gdmap window,) double click the arrow to the left of "root", then click "open."

Selecting working folder

Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2007, 08:10
by Scoticus
Many thanks Flash for your advice.

From what you say it looks like I shall have to establish a final set of settings that I am happy with and then keep on using the multisession from there.

I am not too sure how Operamail works so I will seek guidance there and see how it works for me. Dependant on what comes up from them I may follow your lead and switch e-mail providers.

Will advise further when known


Posted: Wed 28 Mar 2007, 05:29
by Flash

Regarding free RAM shrinking as the number of saved sessions increases, have you read this thread?

If you tell SeaMonkey to put its cache in /tmp, the cache should not be saved when you shut down. I've moved my cache folder to /tmp to see how it works out.

In SeaMonkey, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Cache, click the "choose folder" button, then find /tmp.

You might also be able to tell your email client to put the folder with the stuff you delete in /tmp.