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No driver in Puppy for my smc ethernet card? (Solved)

Posted: Mon 02 Apr 2007, 05:05
by user12
Hi, new to linux here. I just burnt damn small and puppy linux to cd's tonight. Anyways I cant seem to find a driver on puppy that works with my ethernet card. Damn small worked from the get go but Im not sure how to check what driver its using. I also have beos on my slave drive and it says its using a realtek driver. I know the ethernet card is a smc ez card smc1211tx. Anyways can someone give me some advice on how to get this working?

Posted: Mon 02 Apr 2007, 05:15
by Bruce B
I have a question: Have you ran Puppy's network wizard yet?

Posted: Mon 02 Apr 2007, 05:25
by user12
If your talking about the wizard that loads different drivers, then yes. I tried loading many manually and I also used the tool that let it identify potential drivers.

Posted: Mon 02 Apr 2007, 05:45
by user12
Thanks for the help I got it working.

Posted: Mon 02 Apr 2007, 06:14
by Bruce B
I guess the wizard did it?

I've got a dlink ethernet card. As far as I know Puppy also sees it as a realtec. I figured it was probably the chipset.

It works fine until it burns out the card, but that's only about every three weeks. So no big deal.

Just joking, its been working fine for years.

Posted: Mon 02 Apr 2007, 08:16
by user12
Yeah the wizard said to look for animated image that I never saw but I tried it anyway and it worked. I have another quick question. How can I use beos's bootman to boot puppy linux. I dont want to install grub when I already have a bootmanager. I have already formated part of my master drive with partition magic and installed puppy on it. I went into bootman and added the partition that I installed puppy on but when I try to boot it it says boot sector not found. Thanks for the help.

Posted: Mon 02 Apr 2007, 08:39
by Bruce B
user12 wrote:Yeah the wizard said to look for animated image that I never saw but I tried it anyway and it worked. I have another quick question. How can I use beos's bootman to boot puppy linux. I dont want to install grub when I already have a bootmanager. I have already formated part of my master drive with partition magic and installed puppy on it. I went into bootman and added the partition that I installed puppy on but when I try to boot it it says boot sector not found. Thanks for the help.
Like yourself, I prefer having only one boot manager. Unlike you, I know nothing about BEOS or its boot manager.

The last sentence of your posts causes me to think your boot manager is looking to boot off the partition's boot sector. The Linux bootsector is not bootable unless you made it that way. I wonder if you installed GRUB to the superblock of that partition, if it would do the trick?

I can't say for sure. It's worth a try, the worst that could happen is you destroy everything :)

Posted: Mon 02 Apr 2007, 16:07
by user12
HaHa, success. Actually I finished it at like 6 in the morning. I appreciate all the help Bruce. Now Im off to figure out how to set up the swap file, see if I can load fluxbox, and maybe a firewall if I need one with linux.....
Thanks alot