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How to install on HD w/MANDRAKE 8.0

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 23:40
by Hernan
I want to install in a Hard Disk, so I proceed like Part one and part two teach.

I put a second one GB Hd (Windows is my 2 GB C:\), next launch the Mandrake 8.0 install booting from the Set Up CD.
Mandrake install LILO not GRUB
I don't Know How to edit Lilo for the purpose.

ANY simple mode to get and install Grub without setup RedHat or another Distro?

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 23:46
by mike
you can easily install GRUB off of the Puppy live-cd.

look in the start menu, under setup.

look for grub config.

you can install grub to any partition, without having to install puppy.

be sure to type in the paths, don't rely on grub to truthfully do it for you (apparrent bug).

hope that helps you

Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2005, 05:31
by Bruce B
mike wrote:you can easily install GRUB off of the Puppy live-cd.

look in the start menu, under setup.

look for grub config.

you can install grub to any partition, without having to install puppy.

be sure to type in the paths, don't rely on grub to truthfully do it for you (apparrent bug).

hope that helps you
If you don't find it in the start menu under setup, look for it in the start menu, control panel, grub bootloader config.

I never once got the script to install grub on the mbr of hda, but it wants to put it on the mbr of hdc. The problem is what good would it do me if grub was on the mbr of hdc? My computer doesn't boot from that drive.