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Posted: Fri 29 Jul 2005, 01:04
by GuestToo
Firefox106 bugfix002

there was a small bug in my Firefox 1.0.6 roxapp wrapper
MSG was sometimes not being set
this bugfix makes sure that MSG gets set
at the top of the wrapper script

i think the only thing the bug was affecting
was the splash-screen message box when Firefox starts

Inkscape 0.42

Posted: Fri 29 Jul 2005, 06:08
by GuestToo
Inkscape 0.42

Inkscape is an open source drawing tool with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, and CorelDraw that uses the W3C standard scalable vector graphics format (SVG)

copy install-inkscape-here to where you want to install it and click to download and install

this downloads another 10 meg file
Inkscape requires about 43 megs of hard drive space to install

Edit: Nov 10, 2005 - uses busybox's rpm2cpio

Posted: Fri 29 Jul 2005, 06:40
by GuestToo
Mplayer /opt Bugfix

this fixes the bug that mplayer doesn't start if /opt does not exist (not really a bug, i just assumed all Puppy's had /opt)

if mplayer is already installed, just click the dotpup
to install the bugfix

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 20:20
by dvw86
An IceWM theme loosely based on the XPDE window manager. Since I have never actually used XPDE, it is not completely accurate. For the full theme effect you should also download the icons I posted earlier. Screen Shot


Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 21:56
by GuestToo
OpenComal 0.2.6

OpenComal is a free implementation of the Comal programming language.

Comal is a crossover between Basic and Pascal, with the best features of both and none of the drawbacks of either.

Licence: GPL

IceMC 0.2.4 - menu editor for IceWM

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 23:39
by doopdoop
IceMC 0.2.4 - menu editor for IceWM
This is my first dotpup. :-)

Edit /root/.icewm/menu with it and restart IceWM.

Largest Files and Folders

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2005, 00:33
by GuestToo
Largest Files and Folders

finds the largest files and folders in /root (recursively)

Edit: 0.0.2 - oct 27, 2005
you can now drag a folder to the icon to choose your search path

ctorrent 1.3.4 custom

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2005, 02:14
by GuestToo
ctorrent 1.3.4 custom ver: 27-july-2005

small, command line, Bit Torrent client written in C
License: GPL


(minor changes since the last version)

Gxmessage 2.4.4

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2005, 05:13
by GuestToo
Gxmessage 2.4.4 (requires GTK-2.4+)

a prettier xmessage

this requires GTK-2.4 or better,
so therefore requires Puppy 1.0.4 or newer

this version automatically resizes the window to fit the text

md5deep 1.8

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2005, 22:48
by GuestToo
md5deep 1.8-003 beta

Edit: removed, Feb 2, 2006

latest version

Posted: Fri 05 Aug 2005, 01:52
by GuestToo
Zlib was uploaded by GuestToo (forgot to login)


Posted: Sun 07 Aug 2005, 22:35
by klhrevolutionist
Remember Rick Dangerous?

Way before Lara Croft, back in the 1980's and early 1990's, Rick Dangerous was the Indiana Jones of computer games, running away from rolling rocks, avoiding traps, from South America to a futuristic missile base via Egypt and the Schwarzendumpf castle.

xrick is a clone of Rick Dangerous
go here to get xrick.pup (2144k)

2 games!!!

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 09:50
by klhrevolutionist
memory or martian is just as it says it's a memory game with sound and flashing colors. sure to keep the little ones busy!!!
this will put a folder named memory in my-roxapps
just click the file named martian and off you go, also has full screen

And the feature presentation voom or TANKS!!!!
this is the game I've been trying to get I found this one by luck I think
I like these games for some reason???
well it places a folder named voom in my-roxapps
and click on the file named voom

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2005, 17:48
by puppian
xrick is GREAT!!!
i like it a lot!

now i'm downloading voom and memory :D

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2005, 03:21
by dvw86
Open Office Launcher
While I like to have shortcuts to frequently used applications, I don't like to clutter my desktop with multiple icons for different Open Office applications. This is a little RoxApp that I wrote to help eliminate desktop clutter, but still provide easy access to the most common Open Office features. It should work with Chubby Puppy 1.0.4 and Puppy 1.0.4 with OOo installed as a PupGet.

From the ReadMe:

Code: Select all

Download and click on the "OO-Launcher.pup" file.

The Dotpup installer will place the application in /root/my-roxapps. 

Drag and drop the "OO-Launcher" application onto your desktop

Clicking on the desktop icon will open up a blank text document in Open Office. 

If you drag and drop a file onto the desktop icon, it will attempt to open the file in the appropriate Open Office application.

Right-clicking on a file and selecting "send To - OO-Launcher" will have the same effect as dragging and dropping the file on the desktop icon. 

You can right click the desktop icon and choose to create a new blank text document, spreadsheet, presentation, or drawing. 

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2005, 05:03
by Lobster
Nice program Dan for us Chubby Puppians


It integrates OO right into the desktop

I am trying to understand how you have done this
using the Rox manual

and your own shell program which seems very clear

Code: Select all

# August 10, 2005 - Dan Van Wormer - Puppy Linux

# If they chose to create a new text document.
if [ "$1" = "-text" ]
	exec /usr/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program/swriter
# If they chose to create a new spreadsheet.
elif [ "$1" = "-spreadsheet" ]
	exec /usr/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program/scalc
# If they chose to create a new presentation.
	elif [ "$1" = "-presentation" ]
	exec /usr/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program/simpress
# If they chose to create a new drawing.
	elif [ "$1" = "-drawing" ]
	exec /usr/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program/sdraw
# Check to see if they clicked on the application or sent a file to be opened.
	test -sd "$@"
	if [ "$?" = "0" ]
	# If they just clicked on the icon.
	exec /usr/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program/swriter
# If they sent something to open.
	exec /usr/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program/soffice "$@"
There seems to be a .DirIcon or other program that is running somehow that I am missing.

Can you tell us a little about the program (perhaps in a seperate thread) and how it is created?

I will make a wiki news item as soon as posting this

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2005, 05:32
by dvw86
Lobster wrote: Can you tell us a little about the program (perhaps in a seperate thread) and how it is created?
The Rox help file does a pretty good job of explaining things. That's how I learned anyways. Basically there are three main files. The first "AppRun" is the main script file that does all the work. The second "AppInfo.xml" defines the items that show up when you right click the icon. The third ".DirIcon" is just a image that becomes the icon for the app. If you add the ".jpg" extension to the file name you will see the image.

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2005, 04:34
by GuestToo

libsigc++ implements a typesafe callback system for standard C++

License: GPL

NOTE: requires and

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2005, 23:03
by GuestToo and

Xtris in "Quirky Linux 1.40" ! only script to install

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 15:25
by postfs1

Code: Select all

cd /room ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Xtris--Game/PET_files/ ;
if [ ! `echo -e "3f372b2c89914903643f3d968c6702c3" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/ ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Xtris--Game/PET_files/ ;
if [ ! `echo -e "eea7de2ddb882d1400fcd6cd72bda594" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/ ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Xtris--Game/PUP_files/xtris.pup ;
if [ ! `echo -e "61222172a25acc3c107c2e384dd1f2a0  xtris.pup" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rox /room/xtris.pup ; xmessage "-=xtris.pup=- has been installed. `xmessage "Wait please. There will be 3 pop-ups."`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/xtris.pup ;
rm /room/ ;
echo '[Desktop Entry]' > /usr/share/applications/Xtris.desktop ;
echo 'Name=Xtris' >> /usr/share/applications/Xtris.desktop ;
echo 'Comment=Xtris' >> /usr/share/applications/Xtris.desktop ;
echo 'Icon=/usr/local/lib/X11/themes/Smooth-Color/games24.png' >> /usr/share/applications/Xtris.desktop ;
echo 'Exec=rox /root/my-roxapps/xtris' >> /usr/share/applications/Xtris.desktop ;
echo 'Terminal=false' >> /usr/share/applications/Xtris.desktop ;
echo 'Type=Application' >> /usr/share/applications/Xtris.desktop ;
echo 'Encoding=UTF-8' >> /usr/share/applications/Xtris.desktop ;
echo 'Categories=Game;' >> /usr/share/applications/Xtris.desktop ;
fixmenus ;
xmessage "-=Xtris=- has been installed." `jwm -display :0.0 -restart` ;
rox --pinboard=/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;

Edit: 2011, nov 28.
A script's content can be copied into text editor by means of <Quote> mode.