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EZpup - First Looks!

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 07:19
by WhoDo
I have finally crystallized in my mind what I want to achieve with my own puplet. Here is a sample of the sort of approach I'm taking.

Background: Gingko
WM: IceWM 1.2.30
Theme: IceVista-modified
GTK: H2O-saphire
Icons: OS-K (mostly)



Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 08:37
by raffy
The crystals sparkle - I can almost hear them. :D

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 09:14
by stlchuck
Looks really good - I'll give it a shot when its far enough along to be tested. Is it too much to hope for Firefox (or Iceweasel) as the default browser? I know that Seamonkey is the choice of many developers but my experience with it has not been good - usually I replace it with Firefox as one of my first moves - for a mail client Thunderbird is nice but I can and have used Slypheed (?) with good results. Hope to see more soon.

how about

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 10:51
by willhunt
how about xpde as a wm and ice choice is good and xpde
makes M$ refugee's comfortable :?

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 12:39
by WhoDo
willhunt and stlchuck, all I can tell you is there will be no compromises. As for the rest you will have to wait and see. :P

raffy, it seems you too have caught the vision! 8)

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 14:33
by alienjeff
Hi Warren:

I wonder if you have a supply of folks completely oblivious to the likes of Puppy and Linux that you can utilize for product testing and feedback. Their input in re: look and feel would be far more useful in initial design input than from the Puppy community, as we're already sold and trained, by varied degree, on the distro.

Just a thought. Good luck with the project!


Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 22:22
by WhoDo
alienjeff wrote:I wonder if you have a supply of folks completely oblivious to the likes of Puppy and Linux that you can utilize for product testing and feedback. Their input in re: look and feel would be far more useful in initial design input from the Puppy community, as we're already sold and trained, by varied degree, on the distro.
Yes, I do, Jeff. I'm relying on the community for the technical testing, especially things like drivers, connectivity, etc.

OTOH, I plan on loading the new puplet on PC's going to Windows refugees and those with no real exposure to computers. I'm sure they'll let me know if they have a problem in the usability department.

For the purpose of the exercise I'm not necessarily concerned about the "latest and greatest" features. I'm aiming for "just works". Thanks for your good wishes.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 23:36
by jonyo
WhoDo wrote: I plan on loading the new puplet on PC's going to Windows refugees and those with no real exposure to computers. I'm sure they'll let me know if they have a problem in the usability department.

For the purpose of the exercise I'm not necessarily concerned about the "latest and greatest" features. I'm aiming for "just works.
I think that is a great way to go & I am highly qualified in what you are looking for. :D

In the fewest words, windoze folks don't like fixin. Just works is not something I've seen enough of & would like to see way more of.

I'd like to see a firewall that auto loads on boot, or at the very least, something that shows me it's on.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 23:57
by WhoDo
jonyo wrote: I think that is a great way to go & I am highly qualified in what you are looking for. :D
Of course the new puplet will be offered to the community for testing. :P
jonyo wrote: I'd like to see a firewall that auto loads on boot, or at the very least, something that shows me it's on.
How about both? Firewall will be loaded by default. Still toying with allowing access to Firelog or not. Newbies can cause themselves grief if they get too much power too soon. :D

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 00:09
by jonyo
WhoDo wrote:Newbies can cause themselves grief if they get too much power too soon. :D
Don't remind me.. :o Turned into lotsa :? :shock: :roll: :evil: : :cry: :o :x :wink: for me.

Both on the FW works for me :!:

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 01:00
by Lobster
Firewall will be loaded by default.
That is EZ. Anyone want to turn it off (unlikely)
or access Firelog can if they have to. However I don't think
a Firelog should be even considered for something easy . . .

Good luck with EZpup :)

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 01:52
by WhoDo
Lobster wrote:
Firewall will be loaded by default.
That is EZ. Anyone want to turn it off (unlikely)
or access Firelog can if they have to. However I don't think
a Firelog should be even considered for something easy . . .

Good luck with EZpup :)
I'm still debating Firelog. I don't want it visible to the refugee user, but we have to remember that someone will be trying to support them somewhere along the line. That support person should have the tools they need to do that job without fiddling with the installation.

I might consider a "hidden" administrative "menu" or "control panel" of some sort, that can be turned on if required by a competent support person. Mostly, though, having the firewall pre-configured and running by default should be enough.

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 13:57
by richard.a
You know I think this is a marvellous idea, Warren. Well done.

If you are interested in Windows afficionado volunteers I would offer myself. I tend to use Windows a lot because of familiarity, and while I like puppy per se, I also like several other OS's which all behave and look differently, so I would have no agenda as discussed above.

If you are open to suggestions, I do like Evolution as an email client. Just a personal preference.

Onya mate :)

You didn't think of OzPup as a name? :D I know Barry is an Ozzie too, but I suppose it might be misinterpreted by some.

Richard in Adelaide

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 14:42
by jonyo
Lobster wrote:However I don't think
a Firelog should be even considered for something easy . . .
Heey hey :x Just for that, I'm goin straight to firelog. I believe it comes with 2.14.
Could be I downld it though..forget. Do remember firing it up & havin a look. I'll check it out.

What about a gui for the FW? Dunno it that's somethin hard to do.but I've seen a little bit on it in this the forum.

I think us refugees'd also like to have anti-vir even if not really required for linux. I don't use winx much these days but still handy for a backup & mainstream sys that many'd prob still have (my whole fam addicted to it; office for school, all gamers too ..etc). Easier to switch over that way in case of probs (& I had many). I find myself mostly in pup & dwldin win stuff (drivers, music, large ISO files & whatnot) that I'd like to check out in pup BEFORE firin up the dreaded dinosaur monster :x (win x). Runnin all my pups live cd on top of winx's, I dnwld all the big stuff straight to winx

Much as I like pup, I don't see myself being refugee free :lol: for some time. Win is still a piece of cake for me, to work (& for most things..printers gadgets & stuff) compared to pup which I can sorta keep workin (somehow :roll: ) at this point with basics. Lots to learn from a dead start! Helps alot to have a big litter to play with, with great support! Believe it or not, I've still not done a modprobe & don know what it does. :oops: but see that word alot.

I missed the boat on DOS, so you can imagine my console abilities :shock: :?

Easy (as possible) WIFI setup is HUGE imo & pup pretty good at it I think from what I see out there.. Still problematic though & i think i've only managed to get ~ 1 (outa~10) setups to boot straight into wifi, but never trtied to fix probs via console stuff. (tuff nut to crack for me). HEY, all I knows is GUI, click & go refugee world :roll:
still in the boat.. refugee, :lol: lookin for land & freedom :D

Posted: Sat 12 May 2007, 04:39
by richard.a
Hi all,

We are told that ubuntu has an enormous share of the "ab initio ex Windows" market. So perhaps this thread is a good place to post this, rather than a new one.

If the statistics are correct, then I'm puzzled.

I've been involved in the development of several competing products - I won't call them "alternatives" because strictly you can only have one alternative, the derivation of the word (in Latin) meaning "one or the other".

The choices have all presented a menuing system that is similar in many respects to that of MS Windows.

Yet Ubuntu does not... and while I liked Ver 4.02, I've found each successive version to be less friendly. Some foks don't like the thin panels, top and bottom, and therefore the very small text labels, but that isn't my difficulty. Mine is mainly that the logic behind the three menus that drop down from the top isn't always apparent, and they have actually changed it from version to version.

There also seems to be difficulty in configuring stuff that isn't properly detected during installation.

Apart from that, it's very good. And the Dapper v6.06 desktop I installed earlier today behaves nicely, apart from the points I make above; every computer I have has a second 20Gb HDD for stoprage of stuff, and often ubuntu doesn't detect it, and frequently refuses to reconsider its opinion.

It's probably an excellent Linux distribution for those who are real died-in-the-wool Linux users, and I know several people who claim it's the best thing since sliced bread.

So, I dunno. I even thought I'd have a go at creating a JWM-based "pupbuntu" a while back, but abandoned the idea, mainly for the reasons I've given.

Maybe someone can make some suggestions...

I still like my "Kitty Linux" though :) :D

Richard in Adelaide

Posted: Sat 12 May 2007, 08:07
by Lobster
Ubuntu has good marketing (giving away free disks is always good) and has a commercial support structure - Canonical.

All we have is a faster, more generic, easy to use operating system. That does not mean we win.

I feel Ubuntu, Redhat, Novell (the distro formerly known as Suse) are taken seriously because they are willing to make compromises and commercial decisions.

I have no objections to suits. As long as they know their place; supporting the Developers without interfering.

I would certainly make use of ideas and code from other open source projects as is our protected right.

I would love to see Puppy in hardware and on an x86 compatible cell phone . . . it may happen if circumstances are right

I do not feel there is much passion in the bigger distros or innovation or speed.

We will stay frisky . . .


Posted: Sat 12 May 2007, 09:45
by pupshock

Posted: Sun 20 May 2007, 18:36
by wdef

Did I miss something, or is there a download link for your EZpup? Might be nice to have a try ..

Posted: Sun 20 May 2007, 23:33
by WhoDo
wdef wrote:@WhoDo:

Did I miss something, or is there a download link for your EZpup? Might be nice to have a try ..
Neither. This post was just to whet the appetite for a puplet that is still in development. I wanted to test the water to see who would respond with interest in the project. That's all.

The Alpha of EZpup will be offered to the forum denizens first, of course.


Posted: Mon 21 May 2007, 00:50
by bobn9lvu
Sign me up too, as I have a few older pc's, and An older Toshiba lappy to test it on...

Bob 8)