Page 1 of 1 crashes when I try to run a macro

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2005, 16:21
by Regulus
I wrote a user defined function in the macro editor, but OpenOffice Calc crashes when I try to use it.
It terminates with the message:
An unrecoverable error has occured.
All modified files have been saved and can probably be recovered at program restart.

The function works in other versions, but not in Puppy.

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2005, 14:46
by BarryK
Okay, install the openoffice_MISSING package, see if that makes any difference. crashes when I try to run a macro

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2005, 18:19
by Regulus
I have installed the openoffice_MISSING package but it did not make a difference.

Here is the user defined function:
Function Vol(L1, L2, L3)
Dim iVol as Long

iVol = L1 + L2 + L3
Vol = iVol
End Function
Maybe someone can reproduce the crash.

to whom it may concern

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2005, 18:41
by klhrevolutionist
Go to this site and download it ... all.tar.gz
Then when you have downloaded it completely, I will personally assist you in in installing

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2005, 20:40
by Regulus
Hi klhrevolutionist,

I am running Chubby Puppy on a 256 MB Compact Flash card.
Is it possible to reinstall Open Office in Chubby Puppy or replace it on a live CD?


Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2005, 20:54
by klhrevolutionist
First, are you running from cd or hd?
if you are running from cd, I cannot help I lack experience.
If you are running fro hd, simply uninstall openoffice
and download one I mentioned from post above.
Then we can setup a time in the chatroom, so as not to clutter the forum!!!

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2005, 21:23
by Regulus
I am running Puppy from a Compact Flash card. I don't thing Open Office can be uninstalled.
But even if I run Open Office in Chubby Puppy from a live CD, and start the function, it crashes.

Posted: Tue 23 Aug 2005, 09:26
by Bruce B
I think you should check OO documentations for specific Java requirements. The reason I say this is because I read somewhere that OO works fine without Java, but some features won't work.