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Enlightenment DR17 window manager?

Posted: Wed 24 Aug 2005, 03:18
by Rhino
Have you seen DR17 for Enlightenment...WOW! Although way beyond the goals of Puppy with the Eye-Candy, it sure does look nice. Reminds me of Mac OSX, but with a scrolling background. Certainly none of the eye-candy is necessary for productivity, but I bet a lot of people would come check out your Linux Laptop running that! Did I mention it sure looks nice :wink:

Check out the avi at

Posted: Wed 24 Aug 2005, 11:16
by Leon
I prefere JWM and I'm glad that it stays in Puppy 1.0.5. It's nice, simple and well customizable.

Posted: Wed 24 Aug 2005, 19:29
by MU
well, it is difficult to compare them.

E17 is 100 times larger than jwm ;)

You can try it using these instructions:

And currently it is Alpha.
Seems to run quite stable, but expect some errors, and you also will havetolearn some things from new.
For example, Themes are not stored in textfiles, but in binary .edj -files.

And there is no integration of the puppy-menues.
I think of writing a small wxBasic-program next week, to list the puppy-menue in a window looking like a rox-folder or the Windows-Control-Panel.
Until then you will have to use rox launched via xterm to find the puppy-tools in /usr/local/bin.

But for people who like "eyecandy", it is a great Desktop :)


Posted: Wed 24 Aug 2005, 19:54
by Flash
Well, which is it, a desktop or a window manager? :) Or are they the same thing? What does it replace in Puppy?

Posted: Wed 24 Aug 2005, 20:18
by MU
I think a windowmanager is something like oroborus.

Draws titles, borders, manages X.

No taskbar, no windowlist and so on.

These are parts of a desktop, though the difference is not sharp (jwm is between them).

Enlightenment is a desktop, with its own scripting-language, widget-set, pager, iconbox, animated backgrounds and so on.

So if you add the puppy-menue-entries to it, it is a complete puppy-desktop (though it would not fit the concept of minimal size at all) ;)

Myself, I currently prefer oroborus with some selfwritten tools to manage the windows.
I do not need animated titlebars ;)

Currently I use it with Linux-Mandrake 9.2, as the xorg-server supports the framebufferdevice with composite-extensions (shadows) even on 2 Monitors.

I tried the freedesktop-xserver a while ago, but could not get this running together with my sis 650 Grafics-card and the features mentioned above.
If I will have time for it, i will try to get xorg running on puppy :)
